mercredi 31 décembre 2014

[EzineArticles] Ring in a Fresh, New Year with a Content Marketing Resolution!

Ring in a Fresh, New Year with a Content Marketing Resolution! Logo
You Have 365 Days, Plan to Make Them Count!

Ah, the beginning of a new year is upon us. It seems everybody is setting a New Year's resolution to lose weight, eat healthy, eliminate debt, or maybe break a bad habit.

New Year's is a great time to set a personal goal; however, it is also a great time to set a professional goal. In order to improve your content marketing efforts in 2015, we challenge you to set a New Year's resolution for your business.

Perhaps you want to improve your product, update your technology, or maybe expand your industry-related knowledge. Whatever it may be, take some time and think about the year ahead. You have 365 days! What is it that you want to accomplish?

Need help? Here are some obtainable goals to consider:

Get Social.
A transparent online presence is a must in today's business environment, especially if you are a face of your product or service. Update your social media accounts on a regular basis. Ensure your picture(s) are recent. Engage with others on your social media networks. Join a new channel. Set a goal for a number of new "likes" or "followers." All of these ideas will help you build your social media profile while also establishing trust with your audiences.

Provide Better Customer Service.
Customer service can make or break a business. First, ensure you have channels established for customer service to take place. This includes a 'Contact Us' form, email address, physical address, phone number, or active social media account. Make sure you are responsive to your customers with any questions, concerns, or feedback they have. Answer inquiries in a timely and genuine matter. Consider all feedback, good or bad.

Get Mobile.
If your website isn't responsive, it's time to update it! If you're not sure where to start, check out our blog post: Responsive Web Design is KEY in a Quality Browsing Experience. Customers WILL be accessing your website from their smartphone and/or tablet, ensure you don't lose a sale due to a poor or inaccessible website.

Streamline and Secure Payments.
In the wake of recent security breeches, you'll want to ensure your customers feel confident in making a payment with you. Ensure your website is secure. Add applicable security badges and SSL certificates to build trust. If you provide a face-to-face product or service, make sure you're able to process credit card payments via your smartphone or tablet using a Square Reader or similar product.

Learn and Grow in Your Niche.
Learning is a never-ending process and it is necessary in order to stay ahead. How will you learn and grow in 2015? You can read niche-related books, subscribe to relevant newsletters, listen to informative podcasts, or attend an industry event. Whatever it is, set a very specific plan of how you can increase your knowledge base. Write it down and stick to it!

Be More Consistent.
Are your content marketing efforts sporadic? Be more consistent by posting on a regular basis. Set a goal and schedule of when and how often it's most optimal to post. For social media posting, you can use tools such as Hootsuite to schedule your social media posts ahead of time. This will help engage your audience on a routine basis and keep them coming back for more.

Once you have a goal in mind, develop a plan of action. Here are some questions to answer:

How will you stay motivated?
Solutions: Write and post notes to yourself; create a vision board; or refer to this motivational blog entry.

How will you hold yourself accountable?
Solutions: Make a calendar; check off a list; or share goals and progress with a friend or significant other.

What will you do if you fall behind?
Solutions: Accept the slip-up. Promise to forgive yourself and keep going; make up the lost progress.

Now that you have a plan to make the MOST of the next year, get out there and do it! Have fun in the process! The more you enjoy the work you are doing, the more you will succeed.

Feel free to share your 2015 content marketing goals in the comments below. Include tips on how you stay on track throughout the year.

We wish all of you the absolute best in 2015!

Happy New Year from everybody at EzineArticles!

To Your Article Writing/Marketing Success & Passion!
Courtney, Member Support Manager
Courtney, EzineArticles Member Support Manager

P.S. Plan to write 5 articles a week every week in 2015 with our Ultimate 260 Article Template Package.

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I have been writing for EzineArticles for a few years and can definitely say that I have had tremendous results. Because of my articles that have been found on EzineArticles, I have been invited to be a monthly contributor to two iPad magazines, to be the anchor speaker for an international teleseminar series, and have been asked to collaborate on a major book project.

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