lundi 26 septembre 2011

[EzineArticles] User Experience Land: The Funfair Newsletter

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Sales Pitches Are All Bark And No Bite

Welcome back to User Experience Land! On our second tour of the internet amusement park, we will be visiting the Funfair where promises of allurement and quality excitement are made! Will these promises be delivered? Let's find out!

Fortune Teller Meets Misfortune

Tour Guide: For the low price of just 20 Funfair tokens, our Fortune Teller will predict your future! You won't get this kind of fortune telling anywhere! Just step right into this tent and for an additional 10 tokens, gaze into the crystal ball and see your future for yourself! Not convinced? Famous celebrities have had their fortune told by the Fortune Teller! Wait where are you going? Trust us!

User Experience: Sound a bit salesy? Implicitly demanding trust by pitching sales-copy in your articles repels readers. Focus on building credibility and trust through invaluable content that's packed with useful information and gets right to the point. Trust builds loyalty, which in turn gets the sales bite.

Teased At the Sideshow

Tour Guide: See the Amazing Strong Man and see him lift 2 tons of heavy steel! Thank you for your 10 tokens, step right in this tent to see the Amazing Strong Man! ... Now that you've paid your tokens, here is what was promised… a picture of a strong man lifting weights… If you would like to see the Amazing Strong Man in person, go to the address shown in the picture. Sorry! No Refunds!

User Experience: What a tease! Your article should ALWAYS deliver on its promise, without promotional content and not contain a teaser link or phrase that requires a reader to click away or reference another source in order to receive the full benefit of the article. Build up YOUR credibility by being the original source!

Big Prize Darts and Hitting the Bullseye!

Tour Guide: Step right up, step right up! Try your hand at target shooting to hit the bullseye to win the prize: the giant panda! We have a shooter! Now, what you want to do is make sure you have the dart between your thumb and forefinger, loosen up your wrist and get a good look at your target. Next, make sure your arm is not too tight against your body and in a nice smooth arc, let your eyes do the work and throw that dart where your eyes lead you. Ready? Go! Great job - you got the biggest prize of all! Make sure you come back again!

User Experience: This is the ultimate user experience! Offering a solution in an informative manner, this expert dart thrower provided informative tips to hit the bullseye dead-on! No sales-pitch, no teasing, just straightforward information and delivered exactly what was promised!

Informative Content Builds Trust

Always concentrate on your reader. In article writing, this entails providing informative and relevant value to your targeted audience. Meeting your audience's needs builds trust, which in turn builds loyalty.

Did you miss the first trip to User Experience Land? Click here to learn how to rock n' roll with quality linking!

Visit this post online and share how you deliver informative content with your readers in the Comments section!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Want to learn more on why providing informative content in articles beats a hard-sell any day? Check out Generating Great Content vs. Promotional Hype to learn how great content gets the results you need.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Amie Crews "Can't recommend it highly enough!"

I was introduced to EzineArticles over a year ago. If I had got myself in gear and stopped panicking, I would have realised what a simple place this is to publish articles.

I'm also reassured that this is a quality site, so there is a distinct lack of duplication and also a simple way for my clients to navigate and have a browse. Can't recommend it highly enough!

Amie Crews

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vendredi 23 septembre 2011

[Afraa Articles] Nouveau commentaire sur [EzineArticles] Avoid Common Article Writing Roadb....

dana a ajouté un nouveau commentaire sur votre message "[EzineArticles] Avoid Common Article Writing Roadb..." :

Excellent tips. Really useful stuff .Never had an idea about this, will look for more of such informative posts from your side.. good job...Keep it up

write articles

Envoyé par dana à Afraa Articles le 23 septembre 2011 15:56

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[EzineArticles] User Experience Land: Rollercoaster Rides!

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The Ups and Downs of User Experience

Welcome to User Experience Land where internet users flock to the attractions your articles offer! As your tour guide today, I will be taking you to our first stop in this internet amusement park: the rollercoasters. Our park has 3 fabulous rollercoaster rides for you to choose from! Excited Right?


Tour Guide: Step right up, step right up! The Heartbreaker is a fantastic coaster! There's five loops and two giant drops; everybody who's been on this ride has loved it! Unfortunately it appears this coaster is still under construction... Hmm, you're a tad disappointed. Moving on, then!

User Experience: Links that are broken or down for maintenance stop users in their tracks and force them to leave disappointed. Ensure your links work so readers can enjoy all the content on your site! Check your links using multiple browsers and then test them at least twice.

Choppy Loop!

Tour Guide: The Choppy Loop coaster takes you on the ride of your life! Just look at how much fun these riders are having. Oh! It seems that the coaster has stopped in the middle of a loop for the riders to view a message from our sponsors. Not to worry... These ads are quick. I'm sure they'll be down sometime... Well, on to the next coaster as we won't wait.

User Experience: Links that break up a user's experience with excessive ads or exit pop-ups distract readers and leave them frustrated. Make quality content the focus of your link's landing page to encourage readers to stick around.

Rock n' Roller!

Tour Guide: Here we have the Rock n' Roller! This coaster's sign says it has two loops and a corkscrew. Look, you can see them right over there! The Rock n' Roller has 5 stars in safety and is not under construction! In fact, navigation is smooth and you're able to experience everything you were promised PLUS more! This coaster is what every rider is talking about!

User Experience: Links that deliver on the promise and have great content provide users with a good experience. These links keep readers coming back for more, build reader loyalty, and boost your credibility as an expert in your niche.

As a user, which rollercoaster would you choose?

Make sure your links provide users a rock 'n roll experience by double-checking that they work and contain all the great content you promise. It's the best way to get readers to visit again and again!

How do you deliver a great user experience to your readers? Visit this post online and share your comments!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Writing informative articles for your targeted audience builds trust and has the ultimate return value: audience loyalty! Become an Expert Author today with these easy 8 Steps to Writing and Submitting Your First Article!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Jacqueline Coote "Thank you EzineArticles for your support!"

Being a self-taught artist I was always skeptical about starting to paint and designing my own website. I always felt that way about writing articles, too.

Once I joined EzineArticles and began to submit articles, I gained the self-confidence I didn't have before. It has also added traffic to my website. I hope to continue to write articles of interest and look forward to my increase in sales. Thank you EzineArticles for your support!

Jacqueline Coote

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mercredi 21 septembre 2011

[EzineArticles] Good Articles vs. Ugly Articles

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How to Avoid Poor Writing Habits and Keep Your Articles Lookin' Good

While beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, there are just some things that we all can agree are undesirable. For instance, imagine you are looking to buy a new home. You walk in the house for the first time with your real estate agent and you see light fixtures hanging, windows broken, holes in the roof, and leaky faucets. This house isn't just a fixer upper... it's UGLY!

The same thing can be said about articles. While it's fine to have some rough patches in your first draft, an article that is submitted for review with thin, spammy, keyword stuffed, promotional content is just plain ugly!

Watch this video to learn the difference between good and ugly articles to keep your articles lookin' good!

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Write Show-Stopping Articles

There are several things you can do to make sure your articles are "ready for their close-up."

1. Make sure that your articles are one of a kind.

Your article should be offering a new piece of information to the market each time. If you're not doing this, your audience will begin to look elsewhere for their information.

2. Make sure your articles are easy to read.

This includes using proper grammar, and balancing keywords. Read the article out loud to yourself before you submit it to make sure it reads naturally.

3. Make sure your articles are not self-serving.

Remember, the article body is where you GIVE information to your reader. The resource box is the appropriate place to TAKE your reader to your link, or give them more information about your business.

Each "good" article you write will help you to attract readers and build credibility. Don't let an ugly duckling get in your way to success! Use quality checks to ensure your articles provide quality information, read naturally, and give.

What quality measures do you take to ensure your articles are show-stopping? Visit this post online and share your comments!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Getting started isn't just about knowing the good, the bad, and the ugly! It is simply taking that first step by becoming an Expert Author, building your credibility, and ultimately driving highly-targeted traffic to your site. Learn more in our post Anyone Can Be an Expert Author to get started!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Harriet Hodgson "...writing for keeps me doing what I love so much - writing."

Writing for EzineArticles keeps me involved in life and learning. I've written articles on topics I never thought I would write about and enjoyed the challenge. My articles have been published thousands of times and translated into Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, and many other languages. EzineArticles keeps my name on the Internet and this helps me market my books. Most of all, writing for keeps me doing what I love so much - writing.

Harriet Hodgson

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lundi 19 septembre 2011

[EzineArticles] Creating a Healthy Article Writing Environment

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Want to get your article writing organized, but don't know where to begin?

Your article writing environment can help or hamper your productivity. A cramped and cluttered article writing space leaves little room for idea growth and adds to procrastination. A public space may be distracting and a bare space can be uninspiring!

Toss out the stress of writer's block and distraction by making your workspace fun and engaging with these great workspace tips!

Necessities for Your Drawer

  • Writing Tablets - ...or anything to quickly jot down your ideas! Compile ideas in a journal, brainstorm by drawing a mind-map or creating lists, and use color-coded sticky notes for title ideas! This will help pull you away and think "off-the-page" to get your ideas organized.
  • Healthy Snacks - Nothing is more distracting than hunger. Keep a healthy snack stashed away to keep your energy up so you don't wander from your article writing in search of food.

Pinned to Your Bulletin Board

  • Calendar - Plan ahead by jotting down ideas on a calendar. Scheduling helps you visualize and track a plan that may be based on themes, seasonal trends and more.
  • Inspiration - Everyone needs a little element of inspiration to realign their focus. This could include pictures of family, an inspirational quote, or a list of your goals to inspire article ideas!

Books for Your Shelf

  • Dictionary and Thesaurus - Whether you stumble across a word you are not quite familiar with or are looking to spice up the language of your article, a dictionary and a thesaurus are excellent reference tools.
  • English Grammar Guide - Can't remember the proper usage of a comma? A grammar guide can answer all of your grammar questions and help you convey your expertise to readers.

It is important to note that any of the mediums above may be supplemented; a digital counterpart could be used, such as software, apps, etc. or something as simple as the type of folder you use. The key is to experiment and find the tools that work for you!

Getting organized and creating an environment that works for you will increase your productivity, help you manage your time, plan ahead, and foster new ideas! It's never to late to get your article writing efforts organized, so start today!

Do you have a great tip to increase productivity or have any of the above tips worked for you? Visit this post online and share your comments!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Stay tuned to our Blog tomorrow for an update on a great tool to add inspiration to your article writing environment: The Deck of Cards With Article Templates! Learn how this intuitive package will save you time and build a massive library of quality, original articles fast!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Dina Giolitto "Within less than two months, I've doubled the number of sites that feature my URL link and increased my Alexa ranking significantly."

I can't tell you enough about how pleased I am with this website!

Within less than two months, I've doubled the number of sites that feature my URL link and increased my Alexa ranking significantly.

I've been receiving positive email feedback for my articles as well as new opportunities for strategic partnerships. And establishing credibility with potential clients is easier than ever, thanks to instant access to my writing via your website.

Additionally, I've been able to quickly put together an informative company newsletter that not only showcases my own work, but features quality content from other expert authors I've found on

Thanks again for this wonderful opportunity and fantastic resource.

Dina Giolitto

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vendredi 16 septembre 2011

[EzineArticles] Identifying the Needs of Your Audience

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Write Your Article

"If you give an audience a chance they will do half your acting for you." - Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn, the great American actress, knew a thing or two about utilizing an audience.

When you set out to write an article, it is important to know how to use your audience. This will help you create something that is in demand and that is well received. When your audience feels their needs are being met by your articles, they will consider you a reliable authority and keep coming back for more!

Watch this video to learn how to ask yourself the right questions about your audience to jumpstart your article writing process!

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Five Important Questions You Should Ask Yourself:

1. Who is my audience for this article?

It is important to know who you are writing for. This will help you develop an appropriate tone and style for your article. It will also help you present the information you want to present in the most effective way. For example, using jargon or complicated concepts in an article would not be appropriate for a reader who is new to the niche.

2. Why am I writing this article?

Are you writing to introduce people to your niche? Are you writing to raise awareness for an issue? Are you writing to inform someone who is already an expert of a new product or technique you discovered? Each of these scenarios would require a different article.

3. What information does my audience crave?

Knowing what your audience wants to learn is a very important piece of information to have. This ensures you are delivering the type of content that is in demand.

4. Why does my audience need this information?

This ties into the previous questions: if someone reading your article wants to learn everything there is to know about golf because they want to become an instructor, they would want a vastly different article than someone who is just looking for a few beginner tips to improve their weekend game.

5. How can I deliver even more to my audience?

Making sure your links are optimized to deliver the best content is very important. If you are sending readers to your link for more information, make sure it's easy to find and plentiful. This will build trust and keep your readers coming back to you again and again.

Channel your audience with these questions and let them help you in your future article writing! Revisit this post online to share your experiences and let us know what you do to keep your audience in mind!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Want more EzineArticles videos? Head on over to our YouTube channel to view more videos and subscribe to receive updates when our new videos come out!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Joseph Vann Hamby Sr "EzineArticles is an excellent place to get your message across to your targeted audience."

I cannot thank the editors enough for helping me. EzineArticles is an excellent place to get your message across to your targeted audience. I will continue my journey and always do my best to offer great information to my readers.

Thanks EzineArticles!

Joseph Vann Hamby Sr.

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lundi 12 septembre 2011

[EzineArticles] Set Goals to Achieve Article Writing Success Newsletter

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Overcome writing blocks and writing anxieties by setting goals!

If you find yourself wanting to become an Expert Author, but are anxious about your writing abilities, or feel you have exhausted every writing bone in your body, listen up: YOU CAN WRITE!

EzineArticles delivers some of the best targeted traffic. To capitalize on this available traffic, create some article writing goals for yourself today!

Goal setting, in article writing, in business, and even in one's personal life, helps you focus your efforts into a plan. Whenever you are stuck or feel anxiety looming, you can refer to this plan and stay on the road to success.

Here are some tips on how you can effectively set goals and conquer any article writing anxieties once and for all.

1. Set a Goal

Setting a goal can be as broad as "I want to write more articles," or something a little more focused as "I want to master 2 niches related to my expertise."

Once you have set a goal, it will become your mission to achieve this goal. When you are in a tight spot, you can revert back to your original goal and consider the following:

  • My Goal is…
  • Will this help me achieve my goal?

2. Plan Strategically

Now that you've set your goal, begin implementing measures to achieve it by breaking the goal down into manageable tasks over a period of time. This may include acquiring resources to develop your knowledge base, as well as breaking the goal down into steps. Challenge yourself by stepping a degree outside of your comfort zone. You'll surprise yourself with what you can do!

For instance, if my goal is to write more articles, my plan might look like this:

"I will write 5 articles this week." Once I've achieved that goal, I'll step it up and write 10 articles the next week.

3. Set Milestones with Quality Checks

In order to stay the course and prevent yourself from goal derailment, ensure you've set milestones and quality checks.

Milestones can be used to reward yourself and measure your progress. Quality checks can be used to ensure you don't derail completely and sacrifice your credibility and brand, as well as the traffic you are aiming to drive toward your site.

For example, I will reward myself when my 5 articles are finished. To ensure I'm reaching my audience, providing informative content, and not submitting my articles with reckless abandon, I will track which articles were published and if there were any problems along the way. This will help me prevent any issues in my future articles so I can meet my goal efficiently, effectively and ultimately drive traffic to my site.

To learn more, check out some of the topics covered inside The EzineArticles Starter Package!

  • An Introduction to Article Writing and Marketing
  • How to Generate Quick Article Ideas to Attract Your Ideal Customers
  • The Basics to Build Your Article Body
  • Tips to Getting Your Articles Approved on the First Try With EzineArticles

Go to The EzineArticles Formula Experience Packages and invest in The EzineArticles Formula today to begin implementing your article writing goals and be on the path to success!

Want to learn more about how to set goals to achieve article writing success from our Expert Authors or do you have a goal tactic you would like to share with the EzineArticles community? Learn more by clicking here.

Rob, Director of Online EducationTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Rob's Signature
Rob, Director of Online Education

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Suzi Elton "The EzineArticles Formula is an AWESOME training system."

The EzineArticles Formula is an AWESOME training system. Has anybody told you guys lately that you're absolutely brilliant... well you are!

Suzi Elton

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vendredi 9 septembre 2011

[EzineArticles] Grammar Gone Wild!!

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Exposing Tips to Eliminate Confusion in Your Articles!

Article writing doesn't require a doctorate in English, just a basic understanding of how to use the English language to communicate your ideas clearly.

Here are three common errors that cause confusion for readers.

Common Error #1 – Using Understood Verbs Incorrectly

The technical stuff: Understood verbs occur when you could use an additional verb (action word) at the close of a sentence, but you choose to not include it.

This causes confusion because readers aren't sure who's doing what within the sentence. Give readers all the tools they need to understand exactly what you're saying, even if it means using a few extra words. Don't assume they'll "get it."

For example: "I love writing articles more than Sally!"

This sentence could mean one of two things: 1) You love writing articles more than you love Sally, or 2) You love writing articles more than Sally does. Be clear, otherwise you might find yourself in some hot water with Sally!

Common Error #2 – Using Too Much Passive Voice

The technical stuff: Passive voice occurs when the subject of a sentence indicates the recipient of the action.

When readers don't find out what's happening until the very end of the sentence they become confused or bored. When writers use too much passive voice, their readers fall asleep!

You want to engage your readers. If they're bored or confused by your writing, they'll leave. Active voice is the best way to grab your reader's attention and hold it.

The key to using active voice is making sure that the subject of the sentence is doing something, rather than something being done to it.


Passive: Lots of information was learned by the readers.

Active: The readers learned lots of information.

Passive: The right words were used by the speaker and the audience's attention was grabbed.

Active: The speaker grabbed the audience's attention by using the right words.

Notice passive voice uses words like "was," "were," "been," and "being." Avoid using too many of these.

Common Error #3 – Misusing Commas

The technical stuff: The comma is used to indicate a slight pause in a sentence, to separate a nonrestrictive clause from a main clause, and/or to create distinct items in a list.

Commas can create confusion and distraction; where you place this tiny punctuation mark can drastically change the meaning of a sentence.

For example, compare the following two sentences:

"Go, get him doctors!" – A command to go get medical help for someone.

"Go get him, doctors!" – Urging doctors to go get someone.

Entire books have been written about how, when, where and why to use them (or not). Keep it simple. Read your article out loud, and stick commas where you naturally pause.

For example: "Her articles always grab my attention, and they deliver great content!"

You can make your articles sound a lot better without struggling through language and syntax classes or wrestling with boring textbooks. Grammar is one of the most important tools in your communication belt. Don't get too hung up on the ins and outs, just make sure that your readers can follow what you're saying. They're hungry for your knowledge, and a quick grammar check helps you deliver it clearly.

For more great tips and tricks to help jumpstart your article writing efforts, visit our Article Writing and Insights blog, here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Andrew Peel "I gained Expert Author status with the Badge to prove it! This helps establish my credibility with potential business associates."

Before I was told about article marketing as part of the training I received for my home internet opportunity, I just blogged.

Once I started to use EzineArticles, I realized what I was missing. I gained Expert Author status with the Badge to prove it! This helps establish my credibility with potential business associates. It's also a great platform to provide valuable content to my audience.

I now have my weekly Ezine listed in BestEzine, the sister site of EzineArticles, and I use the free Press Release opportunity you get for being an expert author. This is an amazing marketing platform and resource for information I need.

Andrew Peel

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