lundi 30 janvier 2012

[EzineArticles] Easily Monitor Your Recent Article Activity

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Save Time and Have Peace of Mind

Keeping track of your latest articles is now easier than ever with the Recent Article Activity section of the new member interface!

The Recent Article Activity section provides:

  • Easy access to your latest article drafts for editing.
  • A way to watch your recently submitted articles' progression through editorial review.
  • Shortcuts to your recently published articles to monitor their performance.
  • Alerts to articles that need your attention.

You can easily monitor your recently submitted articles' review status with the article status bar which features 5 levels:

  1. Pending Initial Review: Your article has been received and it is waiting for initial editorial review.
  2. In Initial Editor Queue: Your article is currently in the Editorial Queue.
  3. Pending Quality Control Review: Your article's initial review has been completed and is awaiting Quality Control.
  4. In Quality Control Review: Your article is in final review.
  5. Review Complete: Your article has completed its editorial review!

Here are some quick tips about the Recent Article Activity section:

Check out the shortcuts! Each article/draft has a blue arrow (shown right) that slides opens to the following shortcuts or features:

  • Small Bar Graph: View the performance of the selected article (only displayed with published articles).
  • Page with Arrow: View the selected article on (only displayed with published articles).
  • Blank Page: View the selected article/draft in the preview.
  • Page with Pencil: Edit the selected article/draft.
  • Trash Can: Delete the selected article/draft.

Additional notes on Recent Article Activity features:

- This icon represents both published and unpublished articles/drafts.

- This icon represents a Problem article alert. If you article has completed editorial review and has been assigned into Problem status (i.e. did not meet EzineArticles Editorial Guidelines) it will therefore need your attention.

Quick Note: The Recent Article Activity section will only show one author at a time. So if you have alternate authors on your account, select their name from the "Switch to:" list under the Author Name dropdown menu (click on the listed name in the upper-right corner of the screen to access the menu).

Getting to the Recent Article Activity section is easy:

  1. Go to
  2. If you have not accessed, you can do so by using your current username and password.
  3. Voila - The Recent Article Activity section will appear right on your Home tab!

You can find a similar set-up in the Author's Area of the interface, but it doesn't have quite as many tools and fun shortcuts as

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your current username and password.

Haven't tried Now is the time! All of your favorite tools from are already waiting for you on, as well as tons of new tools, resources, and information. Stay tuned for the next quick and easy tool to save you time and amplify your article writing efforts!

Special Note: Get your feedback and comments in today to save your favorite features and let us know what isn't working for you! Backed by our data and design team, serves you, the Expert Author. Please share your comments and suggestions so we can continue to make the ULTIMATE article writing platform tailored to your needs AND wants!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Discover how to build your exposure by creating your very own Expert Author network on!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Angela Booth "This makes article writing fun." All I can say is WOW! I love it... I love the integration with social networking accounts, and the Challenges. Everything seems much easier and more accessible.

This makes article writing fun.

Many thanks Chris and the team. Huge kudos to you.

Angela Booth

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vendredi 27 janvier 2012

[EzineArticles] Top Spelling Blunders Part III

Top Spelling Blunders Part III Logo

A Little Practice Will Take Your Efforts a Long Way

Your ability to communicate with your audience will give your credibility an incredible boost, strengthen your efforts online and offline, as well as afford you the freedom to concentrate your energy elsewhere.

A critical piece of communication is using correct spelling and good grammar. This will ensure you maintain your reader's attention on you and your topic.

You may consider investing in a spellchecker, finding a proofreader, or enrolling in an English Grammar course. Whatever you choose to do, you can rely on getting spelling and grammar tips right here.

So let's get to it: Here are your next 5 spelling blunders to include in your proofreading checklist to strengthen your article writing skills.

Seperate vs. Separate

If you are desperate to distance yourself from the "seperate" blunder, break down the word separate to find its meaning.

Se-para-te: apart from - to one side of - te (Correct)

Se-per-ate: apart from - through/during/each - ate (Incorrect)

Example: I separate my pens from my pencils.

Key: Separate your parakeets.

Indispensible vs. Indispensable

To ible or able, that is the question. They have incredible similarities, but which is usable? If you want to make yourself indispensable to your readers, our biggest recommendation to solving this one quandary: Grab a dictionary. Through use and practice, eventually ible and able will become second nature.

Example: Your insight is indispensable.

Key: Gables are indispensable.

Occuring vs. Occurring

This little suffix can trip everyone up: ing. The confusion here is rooted in words ending in ing that require an additional letter or an omission of a letter to complete the word. For example: write and writing, run and running, occur and occurring, etc.

Example: Prevent errors from occurring.

Key: Double the R in occurring.

Recieve vs. Receive

The dreaded ie vs. ei! You may have heard this phrase: "I" before "E" except after "C". This is a fairly good guideline to stick by, but there are always exceptions. Consult your dictionary if you are not sure.

Example: You will receive a gift!

Key: "I" before "E" except after "C" = Re-C-EI-ve.

Ghandi vs. Gandhi

This prominent figure is the first name to make it to our lists: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, a.k.a. Mahatma Gandhi.

Why is Gandhi's name spelled incorrectly? This may be due to the similar sounds ga and gha (e.g. Ghana, gander, and Gandhi).

Example: Gandhi pioneered the use non-violent resistance.

Key: Take a gander at Gandhi and you will see freedom.

Be like Gandhi: Become indispensable! Separate yourself from the crowd and prevent spelling blunders from occurring to receive tons of credibility!

Gandhi said "an ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching."

We will always provide you with tons of spelling and grammar tips, but it is up to you to put them into practice! Not only will you strengthen your ability to communicate with your audience by practicing, you will gain the freedom you need to concentrate your efforts elsewhere.

We will have another installment of spelling blunders over the next few weeks and soon we'll begin tackling usage errors. Keep an eye out for our spelling and grammar keys to ensure your articles are error free. Doing so will increase your credibility and drive more traffic to your blog or website!

Do you have a spelling pet peeve? Share yours by visiting this post online!

Did you miss our last edition of Top Spelling Blunders? Check it out here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Have you ever read something and thought to yourself, "This doesn't make sense!" Discover some humorous signs that cause confusion and see how it relates to article writing here.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Harriet Hodgson "EzineArticles keeps my name on the Internet"

Writing for EzineArticles keeps me involved in life and learning. I've written articles on topics I never thought I would write about and enjoyed the challenge.

My articles have been published thousands of times and translated into Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, and many other languages. EzineArticles keeps my name on the Internet and this helps me market my books. Most of all, writing for keeps me doing what I love so much - writing.

Harriet Hodgson

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mercredi 25 janvier 2012

Changes to Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

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Dear Google user,

We're getting rid of over 60 different privacy policies across Google and replacing them with one that's a lot shorter and easier to read. Our new policy covers multiple products and features, reflecting our desire to create one beautifully simple and intuitive experience across Google.

We believe this stuff matters, so please take a few minutes to read our updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service at These changes will take effect on March 1, 2012.

One policy, one Google experience
Easy to work across Google Tailored for you Easy to share and collaborate
Easy to work across Google

Our new policy reflects a single product experience that does what you need, when you want it to. Whether reading an email that reminds you to schedule a family get-together or finding a favorite video that you want to share, we want to ensure you can move across Gmail, Calendar, Search, YouTube, or whatever your life calls for with ease.

Tailored for you

If you're signed into Google, we can do things like suggest search queries – or tailor your search results – based on the interests you've expressed in Google+, Gmail, and YouTube. We'll better understand which version of Pink or Jaguar you're searching for and get you those results faster.

Easy to share and collaborate

When you post or create a document online, you often want others to see and contribute. By remembering the contact information of the people you want to share with, we make it easy for you to share in any Google product or service with minimal clicks and errors.

Protecting your privacy hasn't changed

Our goal is to provide you with as much transparency and choice as possible, through products like Google Dashboard and Ads Preferences Manager, alongside other tools. Our privacy principles remain unchanged. And we'll never sell your personal information or share it without your permission (other than rare circumstances like valid legal requests).

Understand how Google uses your data

If you want to learn more about your data on Google and across the web, including tips and advice for staying safe online, check out

Got questions?
We got answers.

Visit our FAQ at to read more about the changes. (We figured our users might have a question or twenty-two.)

Notice of Change

March 1, 2012 is when the new Privacy Policy and Terms will come into effect. If you choose to keep using Google once the change occurs, you will be doing so under the new Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Please do not reply to this email. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Also, never enter your Google Account password after following a link in an email or chat to an untrusted site. Instead, go directly to the site, such as or Google will never email you to ask for your password or other sensitive information.

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[EzineArticles] How to Find the Perfect Niche for You

How to Find the Perfect Niche for You Logo

What's a niche anyway?

Your niche is essentially your expertise and/or the type of information you provide your audience in your articles. It can be broad or narrow and it can be based on your interests or your products/services.

If you are just starting out in article writing or simply wish to realign yourself as an Expert Author, we have some simple questions to help guide you in finding/refining the perfect niche for you.

Grab a pen and paper and let's get to it!

1. What is your expertise and/or what are you passionate about?

Identify the root of your passions and/or expertise. This can be as simple as your career, your hobbies, etc. In columns, write down your roots and then find those that most interest you.

2. What areas are you the most knowledgeable in?

Think about topics in which you have a wealth of knowledge. Write these topics in the corresponding column from question #1. These are the areas that will make great article writing topics because it's difficult to leverage yourself as an expert if you are not knowledgeable or have no real experience in the niche you are writing about.

3. What is your ultimate goal for article writing?

If you are like most Expert Authors, you have chosen article writing for results. These results may include building your credibility, boosting your visibility or exposure to the online community, and ultimately increasing traffic to your website or blog. With that in mind, what product or services, blogs or websites do you have that are relevant to your passions and your expertise? List these next to the corresponding answers you listed in question #2. You can use this information in your Resource Box or Author Signature, as well as your Expert Author Profile!

4. Write and Publish!

If you have answered questions 1-3, congratulations: You just identified your primary niches and brainstormed your next set of quality articles! Consider your responses in questions 1-3. Package each of your answers in your own informative, unique article while infusing your personal experience and insights. Then provide a highly relevant website or blog link in your Resource Box to build your exposure. Remember: Your readers rely on you for unique and valuable information. Be sure to capture and maintain their attention with quality reader-oriented information in the article and then promote yourself in your Resource Box.

5. Refining and Tweaking Your Niches

Once you have published articles in your chosen niche(s), you can continue to refine your articles until you discover the very precise niche(s) that suit you and your audience. Keep an eye on the Performance of your articles to determine which of the topics and niches are attracting the best response from audiences. This will help you further refine and define your niche.

Who wouldn't want to build their life around their passions?

Readers are most compelled by passion. Writing what you know (and of course building upon what you know) because you are passionate about your expertise will show in your articles! As you continue discovering and exploring new information every day, new niches will open to you. Revisit the above niche-refining questions from time to time to foster new ideas and growth into new niches.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Need a simple, accessible, and easy-to-use tool to jot down ideas from your research, webinars, and customer feedback? Try the new Scratch Pad tool here to keep your ideas, goals, and notes organized!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Kristen Burgess " original articles still bring traffic to my first website!!"

I began my first website in November of 2006 and by early 2007 I had enough content to start promoting it... I first learned about article marketing from my site's webhost and their guide to getting traffic to your site. They also recommended EzineArticles as a high-quality article directory... Some of my original articles still bring traffic to my first website!!

Kristen Burgess

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lundi 23 janvier 2012

[EzineArticles] New Easy-to-Use Scratch Pad Tool

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Jot Down Your Next Great Idea

The member interface has a new feature that Expert Authors just like you are already gushing over!

The new Scratch Pad feature will help you keep your ideas, goals, and notes organized. Simple, accessible, and easy-to-use, you can easily jot down ideas from your research, webinars, customer feedback, and much more!

Effective Scratch Pad Uses

While there are a variety of uses for the Scratch Pad, here are a few ways you can begin using the Scratch Pad to stay organized and use your time effectively:

  • Editorial Calendar: Creating an Article Writing Plan or Editorial Calendar is an incredible way to effectively achieve your goals. Simply plan out your article topics anywhere from a week to a month ahead of time and then refer to it in your Scratch Pad to stay on track!
  • Take Notes: Get rid of stray pieces of paper and keep all of your notes in one spot: the Scratch Pad. Whether you are participating in a webinar, researching your niche, gathering customer questions and feedback, or scoping out the Library tab for Expert Author training tips, jot down all of your ideas or key points to remember.
  • To-Do List: Never skip an important part of your article writing process again. Plan out your day with a checklist. For example: Check for EzineArticles notifications, keyword research, title writing, idea generation, write articles, edit/proof articles, submit articles, etc. This will help you stay on track and effectively make use of your time.

The sky is the limit with the new Scratch Pad!

How to Access the Scratch Pad

  1. Go to
  2. If you have not accessed, you can do so by using your current username and password.
  3. Select the Scratch Pad icon from the top toolbar (upper-right corner of your screen).

How to Use the Scratch Pad

It's super easy:

  • If you haven't already saved a note on the Scratch Pad, simply begin typing into the "Notes..." field. We recommend beginning the note with a simple keyword phrase that can be easily searched for later, i.e. To-Do List or Top Keywords.
  • When you are finished, simply select the "Close" button and your note will automatically be saved.
  • To create a new note, select the "New Note" button and repeat the process.
  • If you have already saved a note or two, the most recently updated note will appear whenever you open your Scratch Pad.
  • You can also search your saved notes by entering the note's beginning keyword phrase in the search bar (that's where your keyword phrases come in handy).

If you haven't tried, now is the time! All of your favorite tools from are already waiting for you on, as well as tons of new tools and information.

Like the Scratch Pad, we will continue to add brand new tools to the new interface. Stay tuned for the next quick and easy tool to save you time and amplify your article writing efforts!

Special Note: Get your feedback and comments in today to save your favorite features and let us know what isn't working for you! Backed by our data and design team, serves you, the Expert Author. Please share your comments and suggestions so we can continue to make the ULTIMATE article writing platform tailored to your needs AND wants!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Discover how you can increase your visibility to get results here!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Marc David "I found it to be about 100x easier..."

The new method to submit an article is outstanding. I found it to be about 100x easier than the previous method and that was really easy.

I love the new method. Super simple. Clean. No issues.

Marc David

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vendredi 20 janvier 2012

[EzineArticles] 2 Minute Approval Tips: #20 Reaching the Word Count

2 Minute Approval Tips: #20 Reaching the Word Count Logo

Episode 20 of the "2 Minute Approval Tips" Video Series

Ready for an incredible writing session, you zero-in on your computer screen to give it all you've got. After typing away energetically (and maybe a little manically), your energy plummets with this message:

There is a minimum word count for the Article Body, 400 words.

You glance at your word count: "Only 350 words?!"

What do you do? Tack on an extra 50 words or fluff up a few sentences to squeeze by the minimum word count?


Watch this video to discover how you can reach the minimum word count the right way to increase your credibility.

Downloadable Versions:
WMV Format     MOV Format     MV4 Format     MP3 Format

A Quick Recap of the 20th "2 Minute Approval Tip"

  • Idea Generation: Make a list by brainstorming key points you want to share with your readers before you begin writing your article.
  • Adjust Your Focus: Think about how broad or narrow the subject is you're writing about. Adjust your "lens" or focus by deciding what to include and what to leave out to create the perfect article.
  • Know Your Stuff: Write in niches where your expertise truly flourishes and don't shy away from sharing your personal experiences! Readers want to hear real stories about how the subject matter of your article has affected you and why it works.
  • Bonus Tip: Add another relevant tip for your readers to think about. Offer your readers multiple options rather than just one because you never know which of your recommendations will impact them the most.

Avoid the fluff in your next quality, original article and reach the minimum word count the right way. Doing so will increase your credibility and build your readership.

For more quick tips to avoid common roadblocks and achieve painless article approvals on the very first submission, check out the 2 Minute Approval Tips category of our Video Archive and share your favorite 2 Minute Approval Tip here.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Writing the perfect article is easy with the Interactive Article Templates on PDF. These interactive article templates will hand-deliver the idea and structure to each article you write to help you build a library of quality articles FAST! Discover more here.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Cathy Stucker "I recommend to anyone who wants to increase their web visibility and build an expert reputation."

After submitting articles to, I experienced a dramatic improvement in my website's search engine rankings -- and the increases in traffic and sales that come with top rankings.

I am now in Google's top 10 for my most important keywords, in a very competitive area with almost 14 million results. And, I was shocked to find myself at #1 in MSN!

Cathy Stucker

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lundi 16 janvier 2012

[EzineArticles] 4 Features to Help You Write Confidently

4 Features to Help You Write Confidently Logo

Your Article Writing Informational Library

Finally, a library where it's okay to make a lot of noise!

Your new member interface is bursting with loads of new Expert Author tools and your favorite resources, including targeted training guides found in your very own Library.

In the Library tab, you will find:

Training Series

An excellent tool for beginners and experts alike, browse or download the entire PDF training series to review at your own pace, featuring:

  • An Introduction to Article Writing and Marketing
  • Tips on Writing Article Titles
  • Paragraph and Grammar Structure Guides
  • Content Tips and Template Outlines

To access your Training Series, go here.

Audio Training Series

Give your eyes a break and listen to these short (but dynamic) article writing strategies in our 90 Second Strategies Audio Training Series Editions with accompanying PDF transcription. These audio training editions provide you the flexibility to listen wherever you like. To listen to them all or download the accompanying PDF, go here.

Video Library

If you haven't seen these videos yet, you are missing out! 2 Minute Approval Tips, Behind the Scenes glimpses, Quick Tips, Article Ideas, and so much more are found in your Video Library. To browse videos by experience level or by category, go here.

Digital Locker

No need to memorize a combination on this locker! The Digital Locker is your veritable article supply storehouse. From The EzineArticles Formula Home Study Course to the interactive Article Templates, your digital downloads can be easily accessed in your Digital Locker. To access all of your downloaded content in an easy-to-see and easy-to-use format, go here.

To access your Library from your member interface, simply:

  1. Go to
  2. If you have not accessed, you can do so by using your current username and password
  3. Select the Library tab

All of these training tools can also be found using the interface. To access these tools:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your current username and password
  3. Select any of the previously mentioned resources from the Author Tools tab

If you haven't tried, now is the time to visit the Library tab to add one or all of these easy to use training tools to your article writing efforts. We will continue to add new videos and training tools to the new member interface, which will replace over the next year. So stay tuned-in for the next quick and easy tool to save you time and amplify your article writing efforts!

Special Note: Get your feedback and comments in today to save your favorite features and let us know what isn't working for you! Backed by our data and design team, serves you, the Expert Author. Please share your comments and suggestions so we can continue to make the ULTIMATE article writing platform tailored to your needs AND wants!

Share your favorite EzineArticles Library feature in the comments section here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Get The EzineArticles Formula and all of the extras that come along with it for only $97! Backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee, click here to kick-off your article writing campaign with confidence!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Marc David "Super simple. Clean. No issues."

The new method to submit an article is outstanding. I found it to be about 100x easier than the previous method and that was really easy.

I love the new method. Super simple. Clean. No issues.

Marc David

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vendredi 13 janvier 2012

[EzineArticles] Top Spelling Blunders Part II

Top Spelling Blunders Part II Logo

It's spreading! Run for your grammatical lives!

While emoticons and text-speak have their place in the instant messaging world (e.g. LOL b4 u go dont u hve 2 rite ur arcles? :P), readers don't warm-up to it in articles.

Good grammar and correct spelling is paramount to your success as a credible author. That's why we collected the most common spelling mistakes in order to help you maintain your credibility and build confidence in your writing skills.

Let's get to it: Here are your next 5 spelling blunders you can include in your proofreading checklist to assure your credibility is untarnished!

Payed vs. Paid

It may be argued that payed is acceptable due to its traces to Middle English (between the 11th and the late 15th century). However, if we were speaking Middle English, we'd still be using thou and thy.

The confusion often occurs when you try to form the simple past by adding a d or ed to the root of a regular verb (e.g. collect becomes collected). The word pay is not your everyday verb. Pay is an irregular verb or a verb that doesn't follow the standard conjugation. Bottomline: Pay becomes paid (past simple and past participle) and not payed.

Example: I paid a visit to my neighbor and then I paid my bills.

Key: Ease irregularity by putting pay in the past - drop the y and add an id to form paid.

Withing vs. Within

If you are scratching your head on this one, welcome to the club. Withing is the act of weaving stems or twigs twisted to form a rope called a withe. However, digging into the issue we discovered for every occurrence of withing, the author intended to use the word within (meaning: inside or indoors).

Example: Inquire within.

Key: Your article writing twin is within.

Reoccurrence vs. Recurrence

The correct word in this instance is recurrence, which means to happen repeatedly or to return. The mix-up lies in occurrence, meaning an incident or something that happens. To make an occurrence happen again and again, we need the prefix re. However, in proper English, we drop the o and the first c before we tack on the re, to form recurrence.

Example: The lack of respect for the apostrophe is a recurrence I cannot bear.

Key: Why enjoy it once? Drop the oc and make it a smashing recurrence!

Doesnt vs. Doesn't

A contraction is the process of becoming smaller (or when a muscle becomes or is made shorter and tighter). In the English language, a contraction is commonly represented by an apostrophe, i.e. do not becomes don't and let us becomes let's.

The correct contraction of the phrase does not is doesn't. Doesnt isn't an acceptable word in the English language.

Example: He doesn't have a pen.

Key: Doesn't it look good to use an apostrophe!

Definately vs. Definitely

Definately: This blunder is a surefire way to upset the grammar police. The correct word here is definitely, which means without a doubt or clearly and is often used for emphasis.

Let's break this down: Definitely

  • The prefix de: down, away, completely, removal, or reversal (e.g. derail, decrease, defunct, defrost, etc.).
  • Finite: having limits, the opposite of infinite.
  • Finate: not a word.

Example: He will definitely spell correctly in the future!

Key: The ape ate the ite in definitely!

Definitely stop the recurrence of these blunders: within, doesn't, and paid!

It has been said if you repeat something 7 times, you can commit it to memory. Commit these 5 words to memory by writing them down 7 times (correctly) and say each letter out loud as you write. That's easy!

There will be more spelling blunders over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for our spelling keys to ensure your articles are error free. Doing so will increase your credibility and drive more traffic to your blog or website!

Did you miss our last edition of Top Spelling Blunders? Check out the top 5 here.

Expert Authors love to pass on tips and their spelling and grammar pet peeves like bees to honey. Share yours by visiting this post online!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: You can conquer spelling and challenging grammar once and for all! Discover how with this Spelling & Grammar video!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Amie Crews "Can't recommend it highly enough!"

I was introduced to EzineArticles over a year ago. If I had got myself in gear and stopped panicking, I would have realised what a simple place this is to publish articles.

I'm also reassured that this is a quality site, so there is a distinct lack of duplication and also a simple way for my clients to navigate and have a browse. Can't recommend it highly enough!

Amie Crews

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