vendredi 30 décembre 2011

[EzineArticles] Article Writing Tips to Retweet: December 2011

Article Writing Tips to Retweet: December 2011 Logo

Every month @EzineArticles provides well over 100 useful tidbits of information, and training - We've gathered some of the best ones from December right here. Retweet any of them to enhance your article writing efforts.

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EzineArticles Tips and Training Snippets

  • Increase your credibility and stay ahead in your niche by delivering both quality AND quantity!
  • Don't waste your time over-optimizing your published articles. Take what you've discovered and write new articles instead!
  • Toss around an idea like you toss a snowball - at someone else! Brainstorming with a friend can help generate content!

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mardi 27 décembre 2011

[EzineArticles] Top Spelling Blunders

Top Spelling Blunders Logo
Increase Your Credibility by Watching Out for These Commonly Misspelled Words

Grab your dictionaries and flip on your spell-checkers, because we are in for one exciting ride! We recently collected the most common spelling mistakes even the most credible expert authors make.

Over the course of the next few weeks, we will present these pesky misspellings to you in order to help you maintain your credibility and build confidence in your writing skills. Without further ado, we give you: The Top 5 Spelling Blunders!


Loosing is the number one, most prevailing spelling blunder! It often occurs when the author intended to use the present participle of the word lose, as in losing weight and mistakenly adds a second o. The root of this blunder stems from the confusion between the words: lose and loose.

Here's the difference: Lose means loss and loose means something is, or has been, released (or something not firmly held in place).

Example: Sam tightened his loose belt after losing weight.

Key: What do winning and losing have in common? Both have only two vowels (winning = ii, losing = oi).


Today can be defined as in the course of present time or this present time. The word today can be used as an adverb (qualifies or modifies an adjective) or a noun (person, place or thing). For the sake of brevity, we are going to concentrate on the noun: today.

Here's our issue with todays: it is a noun, sorely missing its good old friend the apostrophe. In order to form the possessive form of a singular noun, no matter what the last consonant is of the noun, you must always add an 's. To do otherwise, you will end up with the plural form of the noun (e.g. dog's vs. dogs, cat's vs. cats, etc.)

Example: John was featured in today's newspaper!

Key: If you state todays, you are essentially stating many present time, which would suggest a bend in the space-time continuum - present time overlapping present time... To fix this, simply add the apostrophe before the s: today's.


Unless you are referring to the Britney Spears pop song "Everytime", every and time should be written as two separate words. The confusion often occurs when writers think about compound words, such as everywhere. Compound words take on a whole new meaning than if they were separated. For instance, everywhere (all places) = every (each, all, any) where (place or position).

Example: Every time you publish an article, your exposure increases.

Key: Everyone, everywhere, should add a space every time.


Here's the deal with aircrafts: Whether it be singular or plural, the word aircraft is spelled the same way. Similar words include: moose, fish, and species.

Example: The aircraft are positioned on the carrier. Please watch your step when entering the aircraft.

Key: The pilot of the aircraft won't land when other aircraft are on the runway.

Alternately, this issue with aircrafts may be similar to our previously discussed issue of the possessive form: todays vs. today's.

Example: Please watch your step when descending the aircraft's staircase.


No "ifs, ands, or buts," ect is not the correct abbreviation for et cetera. Et Cetera is a Latin expression meaning and so forth or and other things. Its correct abbreviation is etc.

Example: Writing supplies may include pens, pencils, paper, etc.

Key: Don't forget to pack eggplant, carrots, tomatoes, etc. in your lunch.

Catch today's top blunders every time: losing, aircraft, etc.

There you have it - the top 5 most common spelling blunders! Take these five words and post them next to your computer. Over the next week, make it a point to train your eyes to catch these errors in your articles. And who knows? You might find more!

We will be trickling in more spelling blunders over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for our spelling keys to ensure your articles are error free. Doing so will increase your credibility and drive more traffic to your blog or website!

What measures do you take to ensure pesky spelling errors don't appear in your articles? Let us know in the comments section here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Meet an article writing legend to discover how to overcome article writing obstacles and avoid article rejection here!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Cathy Stucker "I recommend to anyone who wants to increase their web visibility and build an expert reputation."

After submitting articles to, I experienced a dramatic improvement in my website's search engine rankings -- and the increases in traffic and sales that come with top rankings.

I am now in Google's top 10 for my most important keywords, in a very competitive area with almost 14 million results. And, I was shocked to find myself at #1 in MSN!

Cathy Stucker

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lundi 19 décembre 2011

[EzineArticles] 2 Minute Approval Tips: #19 Common Grammatical Errors

2 Minute Approval Tips: #19 Common Grammatical Errors Logo

Episode 19 of the "2 Minute Approval Tips" Video Series

When you are struck by your latest writing inspiration, you may throw your grammar book out the window (literally or figuratively).

Don't worry! We do not recommend that you rein in your passion to diagram each sentence in order to ensure your article's grammatical structure is pristine.

Here is what we do recommend: Proofread your articles to catch any grievous errors. If you thoroughly proofread your articles before you submit, you will increase your ability to build your reader's confidence in your credibility.

Watch this video to uncover some of the most grievous grammatical errors you should watch out for in your next set of quality, original articles!

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A Quick Recap of the 19th "2 Minute Approval Tip"

Here are two errors our editors will actively seek out when they review an article: the spelling error alot and the incorrect usage of your. For example:

Your alot of fun!

The word your is a possessive adjective that indicates ownership of something. The contraction you're is a combination of you and are. The difference? You are either stating, "you own fun" (incorrect) or "you are fun" (correct).

As for alot? Bottom-line: "alot" isn't a word. Don't forget the space between "a" and "lot". The correct sentence:

You're a lot of fun.

Here are a few more commonly misused words:

  • Accept vs. Except: Accept means "to receive", while except usually means "but" or "to leave out". For example: "We accept all forms of payment except checks."
  • Then vs. Than: Then describes time in the past or future, e.g. "Once it's midnight, then we can open the champagne." Than is used to compare two things, e.g. "I like summer better than winter."
  • Desert and Dessert: Desert describes a dry, arid region or to abandon. Dessert is a dish served at the end of the meal. Here is a quick way to remember the difference: When it comes to desserts, you should always ask for a second helping of the s.
  • Toward vs. Towards: Some will cringe at the sight of an s at the end of the word toward (i.e. towards). Both uses are correct, but the usage depends on the audience. For American English readers, lose the s. For British English readers, go ahead and add the s.

Make proofreading a habit and don't just rely on spelling and grammar software. These programs won't always recognize these mistakes and will often provide an incorrect solution. If you find yourself having trouble with these types of errors, do a quick online search and you will find tons of grammar resources at your fingertips. Practice getting them right by consciously using them (correctly of course) in your next set of quality, original articles!

For more quick tips to avoid common roadblocks and achieve painless article approvals on the very first submission, check out the 2 Minute Approval Tips category of our Video Archive and share your favorite 2 Minute Approval Tips here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Download the entire FREE Article Writing - Paragraph and Grammar Structure PDF training series to uncover the basics of grammar, including paragraph structure, punctuation, capitalization, word usage, and more!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Harriet Hodgson "EzineArticles keeps my name on the Internet..."

Writing for EzineArticles keeps me involved in life and learning. I've written articles on topics I never thought I would write about and enjoyed the challenge.

My articles have been published thousands of times and translated into Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, and many other languages. EzineArticles keeps my name on the Internet and this helps me market my books. Most of all, writing for keeps me doing what I love so much - writing.

Harriet Hodgson

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lundi 12 décembre 2011

[EzineArticles] Get Your Own EzineArticles Wallpaper

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Had Enough of Your Old Wallpaper?

Hot off the presses, we have 6 brand new EzineArticles-themed wallpapers to kick up some inspiration.

Not only do these personable and fun wallpapers offer a change of pace for your computer's theme, they also serve as a reminder to help you stay in the article writing state of mind by writing and submitting new articles.

Click on the link below that matches the resolution of your monitor(s) to download the appropriate wallpaper. Then select that file as your new wallpaper and begin enjoying your new EzineArticles background.

Downloadable Cloud Wallpaper:

Downloadable Diamond Comic Wallpaper:

Downloadable Origami Wallpaper:

Downloadable Train Wallpaper:

Downloadable Romance Comic Wallpaper:

Downloadable The Happy Holidays Wallpaper:

You can find more EzineArticles-themed wallpapers for your computer in the Resources section of your new member interface.

Just log in to your account here. Select the Resources tab and then select Wallpapers.

What's your favorite? Let us know in the comments section here!

Christopher M. Knight To Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher

PS: Get more tools and inspirational resources to begin building exposure and driving pre-qualified traffic back to your website or blog by signing up for a FREE account today!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Alex Mandossian " should be at the center of any good editorial social media strategy!"

As the top expert in using teleseminars to grow your business and profits, I recommend and teach to my students that should be at the center of any good editorial social media strategy to build long-term traffic and credibility for your business.

Alex Mandossian

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vendredi 9 décembre 2011

[EzineArticles] Quality Links Have Staying Power

Quality Links Have Staying Power Logo

Increase Your Traffic with the Right Links!

Even the most compelling article can be short-lived with a subpar link.

Think of your link as a door and your site as your home. When you invite readers and publishers into your home, it can be a very intimate moment. In fact, it is the pivotal moment that determines whether your guests want to cut and run or if they want to stick around.

So what determines if you are a gracious host with traffic staying power or if you are an accident-prone host who repels visitors?

Find out by seeing if your "door" matches up to our examples below and discover how to give your website or blog staying power!

Door #1: Hello? Anybody Home?

If readers are invited to a site that lacks rich content and is not relevant, the reader's frustration will prompt them to leave in a flash.

Increase your credibility and encourage visitors to stick around by providing a site with easy navigation AND quality content. Check out this post to discover our Credible Linking Dos and Don'ts.

Door #2: Out of Order

Links wrapped up in yellow tape because they are under construction, parked, or broken create a poor user experience. Readers trust everything is working and when they trip up on a broken link, it destroys the credibility of the author.

Before you submit, test the links your articles to ensure they are properly formatted (i.e. HTML and the URL is spelled correctly) as well as lead to an active and informative website.

Let's just skip to Door #4, because these doors obviously aren't working...

Door #4: Malware Monster!

If a broken link destroys the credibility of an author, a Malware link decimates it. Malicious software or malware is software that is potentially harmful or reported for spamming/phishing.

Ensure your links in your articles and in your author bio/profile lead to an active and safe website by testing each and every one.

We perform these checks every night on your published articles and your author bio/profile to ensure your links are responding and safe. Periodically, review the Article Diagnostic Center in your account using the new interface or on the interface (select Author Tools and then Article Diagnostic Center) to make sure all of your links are responding.

We have to outrun the Malware Monsters, which leaves Door #3...

Door #3: Stellar Staying Power!

Visitors feel at home in a fast loading, easily navigable, content rich, marvelously relevant, quality link. With these qualities, visitors will stick around on your page and click into every nook and cranny of your website.

Invite readers in by including quality links in your articles and your bio/profile. By doing so, you will increase your credibility and your website or blog's staying power.

What's your link pet peeve? Share your visitor-repelling experience with the community and then tell us what you believe is the best website or blog qualities in the comments section here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Driving traffic back to your website or blog is just one of the MANY benefits submitting your articles to will deliver. Receive a massive increase in exposure and a boost in credibility by signing up for a FREE account today. Discover the incredible value of here!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Darrell DiZoglio "100% increase in conversion rate."

I became an expert author back in 2008. I was skeptical about this marketing strategy as a resume writer since my business is in a narrow niche. So, my approach was to write higher quality info articles that would truly benefit my readers. It worked well. Here is a no hype summary of my five star results versus the previous year:

  • 608% increase in web traffic.
  • 200% increase in website visit time.
  • 258% increase in return website traffic.
  • 100% increase in conversion rate.
  • 170 info articles posted again on websites.
  • Many new clients from the U.S. and Canada.

Thanks to, I have helped 600 more job hunters get hired this year. God bless you all.

Darrell DiZoglio

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lundi 5 décembre 2011

[EzineArticles] The Perfect Cure Article Template

The Perfect Cure Article Template Logo

An Article Template That's Good For Your Health

There are usually countless strategies on how to cure an illness or problem.

For example, if you are trying to cure the flu, you might take a traditional approach, a new age approach, a spiritual approach, some combination of them, or something else.

Each approach has its merits. In certain circumstances, one may work better than another, or they could come out with the same healing time. It is all about the approach.

If you pull the "illness" concept into your own niche, you can think about things in your niche that cause problems and how you deal with them. This is where your years of experience and expertise shine through.

With this article template, we will share exactly how to draw the "illness" analogy into your niche and how to share the perfect cures in your niche.

Let's get started on The Perfect Cure for your niche:

  1. Share an Affliction/Illness: Pick a problem in your niche. In the introduction of the article, discuss a variety of possible ways to solve that problem ("cure that illness"). You should already know what cure you are going to share because it will make up the rest of the article.
  2. Lay Out Steps: Imagine you are a doctor and walk through your cure for the problem. Explain the cure thoroughly. If it is a multi-step process, feel free to use an ordered list to organize the steps.
  3. Recap the Cure: Summarize what you know about the problem and how the cure will help.
  4. Give Reasons to Consider the Cure: Build more evidence to support the cure and explain when it is the right situation to use it.

The best way to target an "illness" in your niche is to find out what your audience is questioning, what issues do they see with a particular product or service, and what obstacles or barriers they encounter that prevents them from participating in your niche. You can find this information on social networks, forums, blogs, or even polling visitors on your website or newsletter.

Even if your field of expertise is outside the health and wellness niche, writing a "perfect cure" article could be just the thing to help your article inspiration ills. Come back here and let us know how it worked for you!

Christopher M. Knight To Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher

PS: Want more article writing tips that suit your style and your readers? Subscribe to the EzineArticles' YouTube Channel where you can check out the latest quick tips and training videos. 'Favorite' a video to add our great training videos and funny Article Content vs. Real Life skits to your channel for future reference or for inspiration on a rainy day!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Cathy Stucker "I recommend to anyone who wants to increase their web visibility and build an expert reputation."

After submitting articles to, I experienced a dramatic improvement in my website's search engine rankings -- and the increases in traffic and sales that come with top rankings. I am now in Google's top 10 for my most important keywords, in a very competitive area with almost 14 million results. And, I was shocked to find myself at #1 in MSN!

Cathy Stucker

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vendredi 2 décembre 2011

[EzineArticles] Article Writing Tips to Retweet: November 2011

Article Writing Tips to Retweet: November 2011 Logo

Every month @EzineArticles provides well over 100 useful tidbits of information, and training - We've gathered some of the best ones from November right here. Retweet any of them to enhance your article writing efforts.

Just CLICK on  to auto-populate your Twitter status field.

EzineArticles Tips and Training Snippets

  • Repetitive content, like sand near the ocean, will wash away. Unique content, like a rock, will hold its ground for ages.
  • On the road to quality content, the speed limit is up to you. Rev up your writing skills and make good writing a habit!
  • A keyword phrase used incorrectly is like wearing rain boots w/ holes in the soles - soaked & unappealing.

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