mercredi 22 février 2012

[EzineArticles] Common Article Writing Roadblocks

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5 Tips to Safely Steer Clear of Promotional Roadblocks

Balancing websites, blogs, social media, article writing, and more, can be an incredible challenge! So how do you ensure you're a success?

Don't drive (traffic) recklessly! By acknowledging there may be potential roadblocks ahead and knowing how to steer clear of these would-be hazards, you can ensure your article journey goes smoothly for you and your readers.

Watch this video to discover the first Common Article Writing Roadblock many new and experienced Expert Authors encounter: Product Sales/Promotional Content.

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Recap of the Product Sales/Promotional Content Roadblock

1. Avoid Promotion in Your Titles

Strengthen your credibility by saving your name and any other self-branding methods for your Resource Box. Use your title to attract readers by making sure it's relevant and enriched with reader-oriented keywords to attract a wide audience.

2. Write Unbiased Reviews

Readers shut down at any sign of a sales pitch because they like to arrive at their own conclusions about a product or service after gathering information. Remember: "Tell not sell" by providing quality, unbiased information in your articles.

3. Don't Be the Solution

Build a bridge of trust: from your quality article to your quality website. Provide alternative solutions to your reader's pain-points in your articles, but don't be the solution (e.g. "I have these awesome products and services that will ease your pain").

4. Avoid Misusing Your Links

Strategically place your links to achieve the highest CTR (Click-Through-Rate) potential and amplify your online visibility. Our data suggests articles with the highest CTR provide only two self-serving links in the Resource Box!

5. Stay Clear of Self-Serving Content

Be exclusive! What draws a reader to a particular article is information written for THEM, i.e. they're the focus, not a product or service in a sales pitch. In every article, provide 100% exclusive content that targets the reader's personal or professional interests.

Roadblocks, like product sales or promotional content in articles, can bring your article writing efforts to a stand-still! Staying alert to avoid potential roadblocks ahead and planning your route will help you continue a non-stop journey to building your exposure and increasing trust with your readers. Doing so will help you drive qualified traffic back to your blog or website and cultivate a long-term relationship with your audience.

Do you have a roadblock question or a great tip on how you avoid promotional content in your articles? Share it here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: To get your recipe for article writing success and discover 6 great reasons to begin using, click here!

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