mardi 29 mai 2012

[EzineArticles] Late Night Article Writing: 5th Edition

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Top Ten Ways to Generate Article Ideas

Once again, the newest sensation to hit late night entertainment - Late Night Article Writing - with your host, Lenny Wordsmith and special guest, Calvin Grammar.

Watch tonight's episode to discover the top ten ways to generate article ideas!

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In case you missed even one of the Top Ten Ways to Generate Article Ideas, here's a quick recap because they're too good to miss!

#10 - Research trends in your niche.

#9 - Unplug yourself from distractions.

#8 - Turn FAQs into articles.

#7 - Survey your readers.

#6 - Find writing tools on

#5 - Analyze your article traffic.

#4 - Use the Title Suggestions tool.

#3 - Network with other Expert Authors.

#2 - Browse the EzineArticles Blog.

#1 - Get 52 fresh ideas using the Deck of Cards with article templates!

There you have it! The Top Ten Ways to Generate Article Ideas. Catch up with your favorite Late Night Article Writing host, Lenny Wordsmith and use these strategies to start generating article ideas today!

Don't forget to check out Calvin Grammar's article writing blockbusters:

What Top Ten topic would you like to see in the next edition of Late Night Article Writing? Let us know by visiting this post online!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Discover how to write relevant, convenient, and accessible free-standing articles readers love: Write Relevant Free-Standing Articles.

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Nigel Brooks "I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization."

The relationship with has worked out extremely well. As a consequence of publishing articles on, I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization. However, and most importantly, I have been able to use as a way of helping others.

Nigel Brooks

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mercredi 23 mai 2012

[EzineArticles] Top Punctuation Howlers – The Period

Top Punctuation Howlers – The Period Logo

This Just In: Thieves Steal Critical Punctuation

Let's say there's a burglar on the loose. You turn on your television just as the newscaster is finishing the news alert:

"It has been reported the burglar is carrying a deadly firearm. Police caution all residents to stay indoors and lock all exterior doors. And now for your weather forecast-"

The bulletin behind the newscaster should have filled you in on the critical details, i.e. the burglar's relative vicinity to you. However, the "Reports of a burglar in the ... neighborhood" is hardly informative and it's undoubtedly nerve-wracking.

Proper punctuation is critical to create a good user experience, as well as maintain your credibility and your message. This brings us to today's top punctuation howler: the period, as well as its close relative the ellipsis.


The period is used at the end of a sentence that is: declarative (statements), somewhat imperative (mild commands), or a sentence without a verb that is not a question or an exclamation.

  • "What a smart gorilla!" (exclamatory) vs. "The gorilla is smart." (declarative)
  • "Sit!" (imperative) vs. "Have a seat." (mild imperative)
  • "Turn right at the corner to get to the store." (with verb) vs. "This way to the store." (without verb)

Ellipsis ...

An informal ellipsis ( ... ) is commonly used to indicate trailing-off, hesitation, to be continued, or to convey the passage of time.

In formal writing, the traditional 3 dot ellipsis is often used to indicate words omitted within or at the beginning of a sentence. Use 4 dots (a period followed by 3 dots) when omitting the final words of the quoted sentence or a complete paragraph or more.

Let's use Rosalynn Smith Carter's inspiring quote: "A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go but ought to be."

  • "A great leader takes people where they ... ought to be."
  • "... where they don't necessarily want to go but ought to be."
  • "A leader takes people.... A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go but ought to be."

And Other Period Tips

  • Quotations Marks: "Periods always belong inside quotation marks."
  • Single Spacing: For articles and other forms of online writing, it's acceptable to use one space between a period and the next sentence. Also, always leave one regular space on both sides of an ellipsis.
  • Abbreviations and Acronyms: Abbreviations that stand for a single word are typically followed by a period, e.g. Mr. and Mrs. or Ph.D. It's becoming more and more acceptable to not use periods for abbreviations like measurements (lb), organizations (NATO), computers/technology (CD), titles (CEO), and many others.

We will have more punctuation howlers coming up in the next few weeks, so stop by the Blog for the latest and greatest tips to error-free articles. Use these tips to strengthen your writing skills, as well as maintain your credibility as an Expert Author.

Did you miss our last edition of Top Punctuation Howlers? Discover how to use an exclamation point here!

What punctuation howler would you like to see next? Let us know by visiting this post online and sharing your suggestions in the comments section!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Want more tips on grammar and spelling? Visit our new Grammar Tips Blog category by clicking here!

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Leon Noone "I'll keep writing as long as you keep publishing!"

I'm very pleased with my experience with you and the help you've provided since you first published me in 2008. I'll keep writing as long as you keep publishing!

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lundi 21 mai 2012

[EzineArticles] Achieve Your Goals with Challenges

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A Rewarding Strategy to Write Articles

A challenge doesn't have to be an arduous task. It can be motivating, rewarding, and even fun!

If you are looking to increase your article writing efforts in a fun and engaging way, join Challenges.

Watch this video to discover how Challenges can help and motivate you to add more quality articles to your Expert Author portfolio.

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Join or create your own Challenge by logging into your account, selecting the "Profile" tab, and then selecting "Challenges" from the left-navigation menu. Don't forget to select "Discuss" to share your Challenge with friends on your network.

For more details on the types of Challenges and how to achieve your article writing goals, click here.

What Challenges are you currently participating in? Visit this post online and share your Challenge in the comments section!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Meet our Learning and Development Trainer to discover what motivates her to help you in this Behind-the-Scenes at EzineArticles video on our YouTube channel!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Judy H. Wright "...the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort."

Thanks so much for the great publicity. I was amazed at how many articles I already had written when I started digging out all my old notes and speeches. It just took a little reformatting, bringing up to date and filling in here and there to have them ready to send off to you. Even though we are swamped with projects, the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort. Keep up the good work.

Judy H. Wright

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jeudi 17 mai 2012

[EzineArticles] Share Your Articles on Facebook and Twitter

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Keep Your Facebook and Twitter Audience Happy with Fresh Content!

Automatically syndicate your new articles into your Twitter and Facebook accounts with just a click of a button!

Why? How? Every time you publish an article on, it will be automatically tweeted and shared on your Twitter and Facebook profiles.

In turn, sharing your recently published articles increases your:

  • Credibility and authority
  • Visibility and brand awareness
  • Audience trust and engagement
  • Visitor return-rate and loyalty
  • Time not having to tweet/share it manually!

If you're already logged into your Twitter and Facebook accounts, all you need to do is:

  1. Log into your member interface.
  2. Select the gray Twitter icon and then the gray Facebook icon, e.g. .*

That's it! Your Twitter and/or Facebook accounts will be automatically updated when your article is published on

*Note: If you're not logged into your Twitter and Facebook accounts, authorize the connection by entering the corresponding login credentials to your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Also, if the icons are already colored in, you're already connected!

Additional Tips for Twitter and Facebook

  • Upload your author photo on your Twitter and Facebook pages to bridge trust and build your brand.
  • Provide a 140 character Twitter bio and add relevant details to your Facebook About page.
  • Engage in the conversation on both Facebook and Twitter to attract followers and friends.
  • Build anticipation for your articles by telling your audience about the articles you're currently writing! This builds hype and encourages your audience to return to your platform.
  • Consistently publish new articles to build up your visitor/audience return-rate!

Please note, you can also enable (or disable) your social media article share options with these steps:

  1. Select your name (or current user profile name) in the upper-right corner of the interface
  2. Select "Settings" from the dropdown menu
  3. Select the "Articles" tab
  4. Select "Enabled" (or "Disabled") in the Article Share Default section to share published articles (or disable the option altogether).

Go now and start sharing your most recently published articles with your Facebook friends and your Twitter followers to take advantage of all the benefits.

Be sure to follow our Twitter and Facebook pages where we provide updates, tips, insights, and a few laughs!

Already using this service? Let us know about it by visiting this post online to share any suggestions or questions in the comments section!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Subscribe to our YouTube channel to discover great Expert Author writing and marketing tips!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Cathy Stucker "I recommend to anyone who wants to increase their web visibility and build an expert reputation."

After submitting articles to, I experienced a dramatic improvement in my website's search engine rankings -- and the increases in traffic and sales that come with top rankings.

Cathy Stucker

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mercredi 16 mai 2012

[EzineArticles] How to Monitor Your Recent Article Activity

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EzineArticles Quick Tips

Where can you go to easily monitor your articles' progression through the editorial review process? How can you quickly preview and edit your latest drafts with ease?

You can with the Recent Article Activity section of your member interface!

Check out how to easily monitor your Recent Article Activity in this video to save you time and give you peace of mind.

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The Recent Article Activity section can be found on the Home page of your member account, where you can:

  • Gain quick access to preview, edit, or delete your recently published and unpublished articles.
  • Monitor your recently submitted articles' progression though editorial review with the status bar.
  • Find easy shortcuts to check your recently published articles' performance statistics.
  • Be alerted with recommended action steps to articles that need your attention.

Discover your Recent Article Activity by logging into your member account today!

Let us know what you think of the Recent Article Activity section and your member interface by sharing your feedback in the comments section of this post online!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Find more tools and features you can use to your advantage by browsing the Discover category of our Blog!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Bruce Kaler M.D. "EzineArticles is a wonderful reservoir of good content on many topics."

The marketing principle of giving away of something of value for free in order to sell something else, resonated with me. It is also a way to establish your voice and brand in a more structured professional manner than typical social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, et al. They have their place and are useful to an author/writer. However, the growth of the internet creates a huge demand for quality content. I still think the key is to write "quality content". If it is well written, accessible, and of timely interest to people it will get plenty of attention. EzineArticles is a wonderful reservoir of good content on many topics.

Bruce Kaler M.D.

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lundi 14 mai 2012

[EzineArticles] Accelerate Your Focus with an Article Outline

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How to Create an Article Outline

Writing without an outline is like flying in an airplane without the frame. You're not going to get very far and you'll definitely encounter more than your standard fare of resistance.

The concept of flying is a great example of an idea, vision, and ambition that underwent planning, designing, testing, and more to become a wild success: the airplane. It wasn't accidental or incidental - it was intentionally done.

The same is true for article writing. Great articles have a plan, a reader-oriented design, and are tested with proofreading and editing. With an outline to frame your article, you can add the details and focus you need to let your articles soar. Here's how.

Take Off By Accelerating Your FOCUS

Your focus is your main topic. Write 2-3 sentences briefly describing your main topic, who it's for, how it's relevant to your niche, and how your article is unique. To take this a step further, try one of these 10 angles to either fine-tune your approach or to jumpstart your outline. Later, you can transition this section into an introduction by incorporating a hook.

Give Directional Stability with KEY POINTS

Write down the key points relevant to your article topic and use your key points as subheaders of your main topic to form your article's body. For every corresponding point, provide a list of supporting details.

Key Point # 1:

  • Supporting details
  • Supporting details

Key Point #2:

  • Supporting details
  • Supporting details

Key Point #3:

  • Supporting details
  • Supporting details

Bring Your Article in for a Final Approach with the CONCLUSION

Write down the one last memorable thought or idea that ties all of your key points succinctly together to form your conclusion. Your conclusion should ensure all loose ends from your article are addressed. Ensure it's memorable to entice the reader to find out more information about you.

Bring Your Audience in for a Landing with Your RESOURCE BOX

Your Resource Box needs to be relevant to your article topic and draw attention to you, your blog or website, and your Call-to-Action.

Additional Outlining Tips

  1. List points and supporting details in concise phrases using a similar grammatical structure, i.e. matching tenses and parallel subjects, etc.
  2. Consider your readers (i.e. your target audience) and how each point and detail is relevant to them. If it's not relevant, save it for later or discard it completely.
  3. You can continue beyond 3 key points or 2 supporting details, but if it appears your outline is stretching beyond a typical article format (i.e. more than 700 words), consider which points are superfluous or what could be combined to create another solid article.
  4. Don't treat your Resource Box like a conclusion. Treat your Resource Box as an extension of you, your website or blog, and your overall brand's message.
  5. Once your outline is done, convert it into an article!

Reach your desired speed and altitude of success by prewriting your articles with this great outlining strategy. And remember: Great articles have a plan!

Want more prewriting tips? Let us know by sharing your feedback in the comments section of this post online!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Discover dozens of article writing and marketing tips on the EzineArticles Facebook video wall. Just click here!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Lee Binz "I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers."

I started article writing when I started my newsletter in late 2006. At that time, I had about 25 subscribers - mostly friends and family. Since then I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers.

Lee Binz

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vendredi 11 mai 2012

[EzineArticles] Top Punctuation Howlers – The Exclamation Point!

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Spelling, Misused Words, and Punctuation - Oh My!

Next to more glamorous errors, like spelling mistakes and misused words, punctuation is often overlooked. Without punctuation, communication would be one long string of incoherent thoughts and ideas.

So come along with us as we kick off a new series with the excitable and occasionally overbearing exclamation point.

Many will use the exclamation point (a.k.a. the exclamation mark) excessively and overdramatically. In these cases, readers question the author's credibility as well as whether they can actually trust the author's claims.

For example: When done effectively, prewriting makes writing so easy!! All you have to do is add a little polish here and a transition there and voila! Your article is ready for submission!!!!

In the example above, the only proper use of the exclamation point was: voila! Why? The exclamation point should be reserved for exclamations, commands, and the occasional sound effect, not statements. Let's break this down further.


An exclamation is a loud remark (with strong feeling), such as a complaint, protest, outcry of surprise or pain.

  • "The party was amazing." (statement) vs. "What an amazing party!" (exclamation)
  • "I was surprised." (statement) vs. "Oh my!" (exclamation)
  • "It's your birthday." (statement) vs. "Happy Birthday!"


A command is an order that is given or to direct with authority.

  • "You should go." (statement) vs. "Go!" (command)
  • "Please don't do that." (statement) vs. "Stop it!" (command)
  • "Have a seat." (statement) vs. "Sit!" (command)

Sound Effects!

To convey sudden actions or loud noises, use an exclamation point.

  • "Bam! Pow! Thwack!"
  • "Aarrgh!"
  • "Achoo!"

And Other Exclamation Point Tips

  • Informal Writing - While an exclamation point can add emphasis and/or add a little excitement to your writing, using exclamations in formal writing is generally abhorred. For example, the people of Wisconsin may be excited about their state, but exclaiming it looks a little silly: "Wisconsin became a state in 1848!"
  • 1 Will Do the Trick - One exclamation point will suffice. "I love you!" has just as much emphasis as "I love you!!!!"
  • "Inside!" - When an exclamation point belongs to a quoted or parenthetical sentence, it belongs inside the quotation, parentheses, or bracket. For example: "Get thee to a nunnery!" Hamlet exclaimed.

Use these tips to strengthen your writing skills, as well as maintain your credibility as an Expert Author. If you find yourself trying to spice up your writing or want to add emphasis, try adding more descriptive information using active language. And when the situation calls for it: Enjoy!

What's your biggest punctuation pet peeve? Let us know in comments section of this post online!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Discover just how to write and submit your first article in 8 steps in this quick video on our YouTube channel: click here.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Stephen Monday "EzineArticles IS the premier article authority site on the World Wide Web."

I must admit - when I checked my backlinks from my articles published on, I was amazed to find hundreds and hundreds of other publishers had scooped up my content. (What great link juice this has provided to my search rankings!)

I have no doubt - EzineArticles IS the premier article authority site on the World Wide Web.

Stephen Monday

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