These Gruesome Beasts Can Teach You How to Improve Your Writing The monsters from supernatural lore get a pretty bad rap. Of course brain eating, dismembering, and murder to name a few are difficult to overlook ... But there's a thing or two you can learn from the most hair-raising monsters which can help you successfully bring your writing efforts back from the dead. What You Can Learn From Zombies - Opportunity - Although zombies can't tell time, have terrible hygiene, and are frequently missing parts of their anatomy, they do have a remarkable trait that many of us would die to possess: Zombies are opportunists. You can be too! Fearlessly seize the moment and ensure your writing doesn't pass up on real opportunities. Set realistic goals so you don't blindly stumble into an unwinnable position, but have faith in taking a new direction when opportunity presents itself!
- Dedication - Dedicated to their cause, zombies will go through great lengths to achieve their goal: Eat brains. Sure, they don't sleep or stop to take a break, but their unyielding focus is applaudable! Turn the tables by applying this same unwavering dedication as a writer. Stay innovative and give your readers the best content to reap the rewards (more exposure, authority, lead generation, etc.). If a zombie can do it, so can you!
- Sense of Urgency - "Brains!" Zombies are very straightforward in identifying their goal and will not waste time in their attempt to achieve it. You too can adopt this sense of urgency! Foster this mindset: "I will complete [insert your task] without delay." During your planning, consider the benefits of achieving that goal and the consequences in not achieving the goal to help you kick your efforts into a higher gear and watch your productivity increase.
What You Can Learn From Werewolves - Preparation - The full moon may be a pleasant sight for us, but it's a horrible curse for werewolves. They may not know precisely when the next full moon is, but werewolves don't want to be caught off guard (especially if they're protecting someone they love) and will make preparations. You too can make preparations for the inevitable curse that plagues so many authors: writer's block. Develop a daily writing routine and have a plan to be ready for any unforeseen obstacles so you can continue providing content for your readers without delay.
- Hunger - Werewolves are notoriously gruesome beasts, that's fairly clear. They possess an insatiable hunger - their actions can be reckless and done purely for personal gain. Acquire an insatiable taste for your goals (without the reckless part of course!). Start with short-term goals and build upon them to challenge yourself to be better, faster, and smarter. This will help you maintain a hunger drive to write and build upon your success!
- Transformation - Vicious and savage, a werewolf transforms into beast mode: a superhuman state of being in which instinct takes over mind and body to achieve a primary goal. Transform your ho-hum writing spells into productive, high-intensity, and creative beast-mode sessions by letting go of outside criticism and telling that self-doubting little voice in your head to stuff it. Be the writer you want to be and allow the endless possibilities to be your transformative guide.
What You Can Learn From Vampires - Purpose - All charisma, style and intellect, vampires have a sense of purpose that other monstrous creatures lack. Whether their purpose is to find companionship, fight boredom, get lunch, or to avoid getting staked, vampires carefully try to assimilate to the crowd and build trust. Consider your purpose for writing and create a plan to execute it (as well as take precautionary measures to combat any negative backlash about you or your business). Having a clear purpose with your business will help relieve impending complications and provide a feeling of fulfillment.
- Embrace the Lifestyle - Whether it's the richest fashions or the most extravagant castle decor, vampires totally own their lifestyle. In part, it's an attempt to blend in, but typically vampires are confident and proud to be who they are by embracing challenges and remaining devoted to their way of life (or would that be "way of death"?). Give yourself over to a writing lifestyle by developing your own voice, building your writing strengths, and turning your weaknesses into opportunities. Work it; own it!
- Research - Garlic, crosses, sunlight, stakes - many methods that slow down or kill a vampire have been researched and passed on over the years. What many don't consider is these same methods are also explored by vampires who take precautionary steps to understand what they can and cannot do as well as document their research (usually in really old, thick books). Perform your writing research by understanding your niche and your audience to ensure your writing and your voice make a lasting impression.
What else can you learn from the most grotesque and fascinating monsters? Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you! |
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