Get Title Ideas with the Title Suggestions Tool Is the pressure of creating optimized, attention-grabbing titles getting to you? Are you looking for inspiration for your next set of articles, but don't have the time to do the research for reader-targeted keywords? Do you hear the phrase "long tail" and wonder what do animals have to do with article titles? An article's title has to be positioned just right to attract readers and search engines. Even the most prolific writers may find themselves strapped for time when looking for their next article topic. As for the "long tail" - it's all about finding reader-oriented keywords that target a specific audience in your niche and positioning those keywords strategically in a natural, easy-to-read format. Let us do the "work" of writing laser-targeted titles for you by using the Title Suggestions tool! Our dedicated Article Title Writing Team uses the most popular keyword search term data to hand-craft original, keyword-rich titles. It's easy! All you have to do is log in and within a few clicks: unique and optimized titles! Accessing the Title Suggestions Tool on - Go to
- Log in using your current username and password.
- Select the Write & Edit tab.
- Select Title Suggestions from the left navigation menu.
Claiming Your Laser-Targeted Titles Using - Select your niche from the Choose a category dropdown menu.
- Type in a representative keyword for your article in the Keyword field.
- Review the list of suggestions and select the title(s) you wish to use by clicking on the title.
- The titles you select (up to 5) will be reserved in your My Claimed Titles queue for 7 days.
Using Your Laser-Targeted Titles on - Within the Title Suggestions section, click on the title.
- This will bring you to the Submit New Article form and auto-populate the title field with your selected title.
- Then, write and submit your article!
Retrieving Your Claimed Titles Directly From Your Submit New Article Form - From the Write & Edit tab, select Submit New Article.
- Click on the Title field.
- Select Show Claimed Title Suggestions.
- Click on a title from your Claimed Titles list to auto-populate the Title field of the submission form.
- Select Save!
Premium, Platinum and Diamond members get the added bonus of receiving Title Suggestions directly to their email inbox every week. Check your junk or spam folders if you qualify and you are not already receiving these! Want to use the old interface for Title Suggestions? Click here. Claim your laser-targeted, optimized Title Suggestions on and begin writing your next set of quality, reader-oriented articles today! Special Note: Backed by our data and design team, serves you, the Expert Author. Please share your comments and suggestions so we can continue to make the ULTIMATE article writing platform tailored to your needs AND wants! |
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