lundi 27 février 2012

[EzineArticles] Triumph Story Article Template

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What does the word "triumph" mean to you?

To achieve where no one else has succeeded? To be a victorious hero? To win? To persevere?

Stories of triumph don't need to be epic herculean feats. Real triumph stories - the stories readers can relate to or place themselves in the story - inspire us all and prove anything is possible.

Whether it's a tale of an underdog overcoming great odds or someone dealing with a variety of obstacles to achieve success - stories of triumph are engaging and captivating.

So how do you, as an article writer, take advantage of the fact people want to hear stories of triumph? Use this article template for your next article and share a story of triumph!

Picking Your Triumph Story

Consider where in your niche you are today or in your personal life. What obstacles did you overcome or what milestones did you surpass? Dig out the details and consider what keys or steps to the story make it informative and benefit others.

Alternately, you could share someone else's triumphs by relating them to your niche. When you get inspired by someone else's triumph, take note of the scenario so you can write about it later. The key to writing about another's triumphs is to make sure it's originally presented by bringing a new angle to the story if it's something that has already been written about.

Also, (in both scenarios) consider how the story is relevant to your niche and your reader. You can tweak the story to include other lessons, tips, and more, but remember: the goal of telling a triumph story is to send the message to your reader that anything is possible.

Writing Your Triumph Story Article

  • Introduce with Your Hook - Your first 2-3 lines should instantly hook the reader and introduce the story. Keep in mind these three elements: be reader-oriented, be relevant, and give the reader a taste of what's to come in the article.
  • Tell the Story - Here's where the pertinent details either from your memory or from the notes you recorded will come into play. Consider how stories that inspired you were told and channel that inspiration into your writing.
  • Reflect - Think about what the story of triumph means for your niche. Explain your thoughts in detail.
  • Final Thoughts - Share how the story ends or explain how it stands today and what the future holds. Reiterate your core message or the key take-away of your story so your reader can consider it for themselves.

Prove anything is possible! There is no triumph story too big or too small. Use this template today to share your underdog story and how you persevered!

Have you ever written an article based on triumph? Share your experiences and triumph in the comments section here.

Christopher M. Knight To Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher

PS: Click here to discover how easy it can be to build a huge article library that will make an impact with the EzineArticles' Interactive Article Templates!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Lee Binz "I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers." kept being discussed by the internet marketing leaders I listened to. I investigated it and found it to be very easy to learn and very effective... I started article writing when I started my newsletter in late 2006. At that time, I had about 25 subscribers - mostly friends and family. Since then I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers.

Lee Binz

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vendredi 24 février 2012

[EzineArticles] Across the Pond: American vs. British English

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English Language Tug of War

English Dialects: American English, British English, South African English, Australian English, Cockney English, Southern American English... There are so many!

For every dialect, someone will vow their version is the "right" version:

"Americans can't spell."

"The British can't tell advise from advice."

We've heard it all! Before we get into the differences of American vs. British English, let's get one thing straight: Just as many British English writers struggle with poor grammar and spelling as American English writers.

Whew! Glad that's out of the way! Whether you use American or British English, we will accept either as long as you stay consistent in the dialect you use throughout the whole article.

Today's guide will help you on your journey to discovering the subtle nuances of American English and British English as well as strengthening your article writing skills. Let's get started!

5 American vs. British English Language Spelling Guidelines

1. Words ending in -or (American) vs. -our (British)

  • Neighbor vs. Neighbour
  • Favor vs. Favour

2. Words ending in -er (American) vs. -re (British)

  • Center vs. Centre
  • Meter vs. Metre

3. Verbs ending in -ize (American) vs. -ise (British)

  • Organize vs. Organise
  • Realize vs. Realise

4. Verbs ending in -yze (American) vs. -yse (British)

  • Analyze vs. Analyse
  • Paralyze vs. Paralyse

5. Nouns ending in -ense (American) vs. - ence (British)

  • License vs. Licence
  • Defense vs. Defence

Please note the above guidelines are not comprehensive and there are many exceptions. If you are unsure, keep a dictionary on hand or perform a quick Internet search to ensure you are using the correct spelling for either dialect.

Here are a few more spelling examples of American vs. British English to watch out for:

  • Canceled (American) vs. Cancelled (British)
  • Enroll (American) vs. Enrol (British)
  • Gray (American) vs. Grey (British)
  • Check (American) vs. Cheque (British)
  • Maneuver (American) vs. Manoeuvre (British)

What Did They Do to My Definite Article?!

Our final guideline today on American vs. British English language often aggravates American English writers:

"Why do British English writers insist on dropping the definite article (e.g. a, an, the, etc.) in phrases with institutional nouns (e.g. university, hospital, prison, etc.)?"

For British English writers, it's based on the intention of the phrase. For example:

John is at university.

John is at the university.

"John is at university" is the British English equivalent to the American English "John is a university student." When we add the definite article ("John is at the university"), the meaning changes: John is no longer necessarily a college student; he is merely located on the university's property.

We've covered a lot of ground today! Remember: Be consistent and when all else fails, look up the spelling based on the dialect to ensure you don't confuse your audience. Stop the tug of war over the English language and strengthen your article writing skills by keeping these guidelines in mind for your next set of quality, original articles.

Do you write your articles for American or British English language readers? Share your tips and comments about the American vs. British English langauge tug of war here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Proper grammar and spelling will ensure you don't lose your reader, but how about building your reader's trust? Check out the first Common Article Writing Roadblock here to build trust and your credibility!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Judy H. Wright "...the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort."

Thanks so much for the great publicity. I was amazed at how many articles I already had written when I started digging out all my old notes and speeches. It just took a little reformatting, bringing up to date and filling in here and there to have them ready to send off to you. Even though we are swamped with projects, the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort. Keep up the good work.

Judy H. Wright

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mercredi 22 février 2012

[EzineArticles] Common Article Writing Roadblocks

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5 Tips to Safely Steer Clear of Promotional Roadblocks

Balancing websites, blogs, social media, article writing, and more, can be an incredible challenge! So how do you ensure you're a success?

Don't drive (traffic) recklessly! By acknowledging there may be potential roadblocks ahead and knowing how to steer clear of these would-be hazards, you can ensure your article journey goes smoothly for you and your readers.

Watch this video to discover the first Common Article Writing Roadblock many new and experienced Expert Authors encounter: Product Sales/Promotional Content.

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Recap of the Product Sales/Promotional Content Roadblock

1. Avoid Promotion in Your Titles

Strengthen your credibility by saving your name and any other self-branding methods for your Resource Box. Use your title to attract readers by making sure it's relevant and enriched with reader-oriented keywords to attract a wide audience.

2. Write Unbiased Reviews

Readers shut down at any sign of a sales pitch because they like to arrive at their own conclusions about a product or service after gathering information. Remember: "Tell not sell" by providing quality, unbiased information in your articles.

3. Don't Be the Solution

Build a bridge of trust: from your quality article to your quality website. Provide alternative solutions to your reader's pain-points in your articles, but don't be the solution (e.g. "I have these awesome products and services that will ease your pain").

4. Avoid Misusing Your Links

Strategically place your links to achieve the highest CTR (Click-Through-Rate) potential and amplify your online visibility. Our data suggests articles with the highest CTR provide only two self-serving links in the Resource Box!

5. Stay Clear of Self-Serving Content

Be exclusive! What draws a reader to a particular article is information written for THEM, i.e. they're the focus, not a product or service in a sales pitch. In every article, provide 100% exclusive content that targets the reader's personal or professional interests.

Roadblocks, like product sales or promotional content in articles, can bring your article writing efforts to a stand-still! Staying alert to avoid potential roadblocks ahead and planning your route will help you continue a non-stop journey to building your exposure and increasing trust with your readers. Doing so will help you drive qualified traffic back to your blog or website and cultivate a long-term relationship with your audience.

Do you have a roadblock question or a great tip on how you avoid promotional content in your articles? Share it here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: To get your recipe for article writing success and discover 6 great reasons to begin using, click here!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Nigel Brooks "I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization."

The relationship with has worked out extremely well. As a consequence of publishing articles on, I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization. However, and most importantly, I have been able to use as a way of helping others.

Nigel Brooks

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lundi 20 février 2012

[EzineArticles] Article Titles Optimized For You

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Get Title Ideas with the Title Suggestions Tool

Is the pressure of creating optimized, attention-grabbing titles getting to you? Are you looking for inspiration for your next set of articles, but don't have the time to do the research for reader-targeted keywords? Do you hear the phrase "long tail" and wonder what do animals have to do with article titles?

An article's title has to be positioned just right to attract readers and search engines. Even the most prolific writers may find themselves strapped for time when looking for their next article topic. As for the "long tail" - it's all about finding reader-oriented keywords that target a specific audience in your niche and positioning those keywords strategically in a natural, easy-to-read format.

Let us do the "work" of writing laser-targeted titles for you by using the Title Suggestions tool! Our dedicated Article Title Writing Team uses the most popular keyword search term data to hand-craft original, keyword-rich titles.

It's easy! All you have to do is log in and within a few clicks: unique and optimized titles!

Accessing the Title Suggestions Tool on

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your current username and password.
  3. Select the Write & Edit tab.
  4. Select Title Suggestions from the left navigation menu.

Claiming Your Laser-Targeted Titles Using

  • Select your niche from the Choose a category dropdown menu.
  • Type in a representative keyword for your article in the Keyword field.
  • Review the list of suggestions and select the title(s) you wish to use by clicking on the title.
  • The titles you select (up to 5) will be reserved in your My Claimed Titles queue for 7 days.

Using Your Laser-Targeted Titles on

  • Within the Title Suggestions section, click on the title.
  • This will bring you to the Submit New Article form and auto-populate the title field with your selected title.
  • Then, write and submit your article!

Retrieving Your Claimed Titles Directly From Your Submit New Article Form

  • From the Write & Edit tab, select Submit New Article.
  • Click on the Title field.
  • Select Show Claimed Title Suggestions.
  • Click on a title from your Claimed Titles list to auto-populate the Title field of the submission form.
  • Select Save!

Premium, Platinum and Diamond members get the added bonus of receiving Title Suggestions directly to their email inbox every week. Check your junk or spam folders if you qualify and you are not already receiving these!

Want to use the old interface for Title Suggestions? Click here.

Claim your laser-targeted, optimized Title Suggestions on and begin writing your next set of quality, reader-oriented articles today!

Special Note: Backed by our data and design team, serves you, the Expert Author. Please share your comments and suggestions so we can continue to make the ULTIMATE article writing platform tailored to your needs AND wants!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Discover how you can organize your article writing efforts to reach the next level of Expert Author success using the Scratch Pad!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Travis N. Parker "Bravo!"

I LOVE what you've done with the place! It might take a little getting used-to, but it looks like everything I need to keep track of it all is right at my fingertips, in a MUCH more attractive interface. Bravo!

Travis N. Parker

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vendredi 17 février 2012

[EzineArticles] 2 Minute Approval Tips Article Checklist

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Save Time and Target Success with this Checklist

Your time is precious. Optimally using your time to write the right way will help you save time. So how do you write quality articles in less time? By planning ahead and discovering the article writing secrets to success before you begin writing!

A solid plan, such as a checklist, will help you advance to the next level. A great tool to help you kick start your very own checklist: The 2 Minute Approval Tips video series!

Taken from our submission records to find the most common reasons why articles are not approved during the initial editorial review, the 2 Minute Approval Tips series is compressed to give you the information you need quickly and to help you write quality, original articles.

We've taken those tips and turned them into a simple checklist that you can use to help ensure that your articles will be approved on the very first submission.

2 Minute Approval Tips Checklist

1. Does your article's byline and Resource Box names match to avoid authorship confusion?

2. How many links are in your article and are those links situated to achieve your goal?

3. Do you deliver detailed and informative content to ensure your reader doesn't click away?

4. Are you providing your own exclusive insights to leverage your credibility and not someone else's?

5. Is your article formatted to best inform and maintain your reader's attention?

6. Is your Resource Box short and to the point to direct readers to your blog or website?

7. Does your article read naturally or are your keywords interrupting the natural flow?

8. Is your article accessible to a wide audience to better increase your visibility?

9. Does the anchor text of your links appear natural and professional to readers?

10. Is your article title balanced with reader-benefited keywords?

11. Is your article message clear with proper comma usage?

12. Are you adhering to EzineArticles' affiliate links guidelines?

13. Are your links relevant and do they provide a quality user experience?

14. Using HTML? Is it properly formatted and balanced to help draw the eye?

15. Do you mention a location? Does your article provide specific and unique information?

16. Does your article stand alone without relying on the reader to reference other content?

17. Is your article title free of special characters that might hinder readability and syndication?

18. Is your article summary short, catchy, and to the point to attract readers?

19. Did you proofread your article to catch errors?

20. Does your article meet the minimum word count with quality, informative content?

There you have it! Your very own article submission checklist! For each checklist item, there is a quick 2 Minute Approval Tips video to help you save time and get your articles published on the first submission. To check out the entire 2 Minute Approval Tips series, click here. Put all the 2 Minute Approval Tips to good use when writing your next set of quality, original articles.

What's your favorite 2 Minute Approval Tips video? Share it in the comments section of this post online!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Did you miss the Article Writing Top Ten Countdown with Late Night Article Writing host Lenny Wordsmith? Watch it here to get the top ten EzineArticles' Blog insights, tips, and more from January 2012!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Robert William Locke "The two-minute strategy fits in nicely with my own view..."

I think your 2 Minute Approval Tips are brilliant because they are just two minutes! Why haven't Internet marketers learned that little trick? Time is precious so asking me to read a long blurb or watch a video and you have lost me forever. The two-minute strategy fits in nicely with my own view of treasuring time.

Robert William Locke

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mercredi 15 février 2012

[EzineArticles] Late Night Article Writing: 3rd Edition

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Article Writing Top Ten Countdown

Once again, the newest sensation to hit late night entertainment - Late Night Article Writing - with your host, Lenny Wordsmith!

Watch tonight's episode to see the Top Ten EzineArticles Blog Insights, Tips, and More from January 2012.

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The Top Ten EzineArticles Blog Insights, Tips, and More from January 2012 Countdown:

#10 - Expert Author Showcase: Gini Graham Scott: With over 70 published books, it's clear we could all learn something from Gini. Her strategies can help you build and extend the life of your library of quality articles.

#9 - New Easy-to-Use Scratch Pad Tool: Log in to your member interface and access your very own Scratch Pad anytime you want. Use it for article ideas, notes, goals, feedback, and much, much more.

#8 - Article Promotion: Become Your Article's Agent: Your articles can go pro if you become their agent and put them in the best position to succeed. Write quality articles, choose relevant keywords, and promote your articles to achieve greater visibility.

#7 - 4 Features to Help You Write Confidently: In the Library tab of your member interface, check out the audio or PDF training series, a video library, and your digital locker. All of these training tools will save you time and amplify your writing efforts.

#6 - Top Spelling Blunders Part II and III: EzineArticles has gathered some of the most common spelling errors even the most credible Expert Authors make. Familiarize yourself with these mistakes to help maintain your credibility and build confidence in your writing skills.

#5 - Want Freedom? Write with Confidence: Address unresolved issues, such as branding misfires, dead links, or misguided sales tactics, to provide value to your readers. Doing so will create an article library that is an asset for many years to come.

#4 - 5 Video Channels to Keep You Connected: Although new EzineArticles videos premiere on the blog, there are also 5 video channels where you can access professional training videos that cover topics for all experience levels to help you write more quality articles.

#3 - 2-Minute Approval Tips #20: Reaching the Word Count: Adding 50 words of fluff at the end of a quality 350 word article is not going to do you or your readers any good. Brainstorm key points, share your personal experiences, and offer an additional relevant tip to reach the word minimum the right way!

#2 - Quick and Easy Resources to Show Off Your Articles: Want more exposure, credibility, and traffic? Well, sign in to your member interface and click on the Resources tab to discover 6 tools to strengthen your article writing efforts.

#1 - Increase Your Visibility to Get Results: Grow your business with EzineArticles by writing quality articles and staying connected. Build your Network and share your published articles on your social media sites to boost your articles' reach!

There you have it! The Top Ten EzineArticles Blog Insights, Tips, and More from January 2012.

Visit each of the Top Ten posts on the EzineArticles Blog today to discover insights and tips to help increase your credibility as an Expert Author and write more quality, original articles.

Catch up with your favorite Late Night Article Writing host, Lenny Wordsmith and watch how he nearly bungled the Top Ten Countdown here!

What was your favorite post from January 2012? Share yours in the comments section of this post on the EzineArticles Blog!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Kristen Burgess " original articles still bring traffic to my first website!!"

I began my first website in November of 2006 and by early 2007 I had enough content to start promoting it... I first learned about article marketing from my site's webhost and their guide to getting traffic to your site. They also recommended EzineArticles as a high-quality article directory... Some of my original articles still bring traffic to my first website!!

Kristen Burgess

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vendredi 10 février 2012

[EzineArticles] Top Spelling Blunders Part IV

Top Spelling Blunders Part IV Logo

Whoops! Make that "The Last Set of Knives..."

It's that time again! So far we've covered 15 spelling keys in the Top Spelling Blunders series. Why? To help you strengthen your article writing skills by avoiding glaring errors that could lower your credibility!

Let's kick off this next batch of the most common spelling blunders with this proofreading tip: Catch those pesky errors by changing your perspective or proofreading environment. Change your font, read from the bottom-up, change your screen size, etc. This will help you focus on areas of your writing that you may unknowingly skip over.

Without further ado, here are your next 5 spelling blunders to include in your proofreading checklist to strengthen your article writing skills.

Thier vs. Their

Remember that rule "I" before "E" except after "C"? When it comes to the word their, throw that rule right out the window. Their is the possessive form of they, which is used before a noun. It can also be used to replace his or her.

Example: Their home is just around the corner.

Example: John forgot his lunch. Susie forgot her lunch. They forgot their lunch.

Key: Their heir is on the weir.

Layed vs. Laid

Before the Grammar Police raid this post on the differences between lie, lay, and laid, let's get this spelling blunder out of the way - "layed" is not a word. What this blunder is attempting to achieve is the past form of lay, which becomes laid.

Example: The police told him to lay down his weapon, so Jack laid down his pen.

Key: Like the words paid (not "payed") and said (not "sayed"), it's laid (not "layed").

Special Note: Don't worry, we'll earmark this one for a later date to discuss Lie vs. Lay vs. Laid.

Knifes vs. Knives

Most of the time, common nouns ending in "f" or "fe" are made into the plural form by adding an "s" to the end of the word (this is always true for proper nouns or names given to specific persons, places, or things). Irregular nouns ending in "f" or "fe" (e.g. knife) are made plural by changing the "f" to "ves" (e.g. knives). This is one of those weird English language rules you will want to reference from time-to-time until you are sure.

Example: This is the last set of knives you will ever need to buy!

Key: Thieves hide knives up their sleeves.

Aswell vs. As Well

The phrase as well (in addition; as much) does not form a compound. Similar to the word "every time", the phrase "as well" should always be a phrase (i.e. two words separated by a space because they just don't get along).

Example: Although, I don't like tacos as well as I once did, I will have the tacos as well.

Key: I'll take a space as well.

Targetted vs. Targeted

Why should "targetted" be targeted? The confusion is caused by past tense words ending in ed that may require an additional letter, such as occur and occurred or permit and permitted. Instead of getting up on my linguistic soapbox and going into stressed vs. unstressed vowels, let's chalk this one up to one of the silly rules of the English language best served by memory and a dictionary.

Example: They targeted their missiles at the incoming asteroid.

Key: Ted targeted the target with one "T".

The robots' knives may not have targeted the balloon as well as their lasers, but they laid down on the grass before we could discover other balloon bursting weapons!

Due to popular demand, we will be postponing our Top Spelling Blunders series over the next few weeks to uncover common grammatical errors. Keep an eye out for more of our spelling and grammar keys to ensure your articles are error free. Doing so will increase your credibility and drive more traffic to your blog or website!

Did you miss our last edition of Top Spelling Blunders? Check it out here!

Do you have a spelling or grammar-related question? Are there any particular grammatical errors that get under your skin? Share yours by visiting this post online!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Discover how you can overcome article roadblocks, like spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, successfully here!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Camille Rodriquez "...the process of writing has been profoundly rewarding!"

Writing articles is truly the best way to become a leader of thought in your industry or within your circle...

Thank you, EzineArticles - You literally changed my life, and the process of writing has been profoundly rewarding!

Camille Rodriquez

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