What's a niche anyway? Your niche is essentially your expertise and/or the type of information you provide your audience in your articles. It can be broad or narrow and it can be based on your interests or your products/services. If you are just starting out in article writing or simply wish to realign yourself as an Expert Author, we have some simple questions to help guide you in finding/refining the perfect niche for you. Grab a pen and paper and let's get to it! 1. What is your expertise and/or what are you passionate about? Identify the root of your passions and/or expertise. This can be as simple as your career, your hobbies, etc. In columns, write down your roots and then find those that most interest you. 2. What areas are you the most knowledgeable in? Think about topics in which you have a wealth of knowledge. Write these topics in the corresponding column from question #1. These are the areas that will make great article writing topics because it's difficult to leverage yourself as an expert if you are not knowledgeable or have no real experience in the niche you are writing about. 3. What is your ultimate goal for article writing? If you are like most Expert Authors, you have chosen article writing for results. These results may include building your credibility, boosting your visibility or exposure to the online community, and ultimately increasing traffic to your website or blog. With that in mind, what product or services, blogs or websites do you have that are relevant to your passions and your expertise? List these next to the corresponding answers you listed in question #2. You can use this information in your Resource Box or Author Signature, as well as your Expert Author Profile! 4. Write and Publish! If you have answered questions 1-3, congratulations: You just identified your primary niches and brainstormed your next set of quality articles! Consider your responses in questions 1-3. Package each of your answers in your own informative, unique article while infusing your personal experience and insights. Then provide a highly relevant website or blog link in your Resource Box to build your exposure. Remember: Your readers rely on you for unique and valuable information. Be sure to capture and maintain their attention with quality reader-oriented information in the article and then promote yourself in your Resource Box. 5. Refining and Tweaking Your Niches Once you have published articles in your chosen niche(s), you can continue to refine your articles until you discover the very precise niche(s) that suit you and your audience. Keep an eye on the Performance of your articles to determine which of the topics and niches are attracting the best response from audiences. This will help you further refine and define your niche. Who wouldn't want to build their life around their passions? Readers are most compelled by passion. Writing what you know (and of course building upon what you know) because you are passionate about your expertise will show in your articles! As you continue discovering and exploring new information every day, new niches will open to you. Revisit the above niche-refining questions from time to time to foster new ideas and growth into new niches. |
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