lundi 19 décembre 2011

[EzineArticles] 2 Minute Approval Tips: #19 Common Grammatical Errors

2 Minute Approval Tips: #19 Common Grammatical Errors Logo

Episode 19 of the "2 Minute Approval Tips" Video Series

When you are struck by your latest writing inspiration, you may throw your grammar book out the window (literally or figuratively).

Don't worry! We do not recommend that you rein in your passion to diagram each sentence in order to ensure your article's grammatical structure is pristine.

Here is what we do recommend: Proofread your articles to catch any grievous errors. If you thoroughly proofread your articles before you submit, you will increase your ability to build your reader's confidence in your credibility.

Watch this video to uncover some of the most grievous grammatical errors you should watch out for in your next set of quality, original articles!

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A Quick Recap of the 19th "2 Minute Approval Tip"

Here are two errors our editors will actively seek out when they review an article: the spelling error alot and the incorrect usage of your. For example:

Your alot of fun!

The word your is a possessive adjective that indicates ownership of something. The contraction you're is a combination of you and are. The difference? You are either stating, "you own fun" (incorrect) or "you are fun" (correct).

As for alot? Bottom-line: "alot" isn't a word. Don't forget the space between "a" and "lot". The correct sentence:

You're a lot of fun.

Here are a few more commonly misused words:

  • Accept vs. Except: Accept means "to receive", while except usually means "but" or "to leave out". For example: "We accept all forms of payment except checks."
  • Then vs. Than: Then describes time in the past or future, e.g. "Once it's midnight, then we can open the champagne." Than is used to compare two things, e.g. "I like summer better than winter."
  • Desert and Dessert: Desert describes a dry, arid region or to abandon. Dessert is a dish served at the end of the meal. Here is a quick way to remember the difference: When it comes to desserts, you should always ask for a second helping of the s.
  • Toward vs. Towards: Some will cringe at the sight of an s at the end of the word toward (i.e. towards). Both uses are correct, but the usage depends on the audience. For American English readers, lose the s. For British English readers, go ahead and add the s.

Make proofreading a habit and don't just rely on spelling and grammar software. These programs won't always recognize these mistakes and will often provide an incorrect solution. If you find yourself having trouble with these types of errors, do a quick online search and you will find tons of grammar resources at your fingertips. Practice getting them right by consciously using them (correctly of course) in your next set of quality, original articles!

For more quick tips to avoid common roadblocks and achieve painless article approvals on the very first submission, check out the 2 Minute Approval Tips category of our Video Archive and share your favorite 2 Minute Approval Tips here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Download the entire FREE Article Writing - Paragraph and Grammar Structure PDF training series to uncover the basics of grammar, including paragraph structure, punctuation, capitalization, word usage, and more!

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