The Top Ten Reasons To Write Effective Article Titles Once again, the newest sensation to hit late night entertainment - Late Night Article Writing - with your host, Lenny Wordsmith! Watch tonight's episode to see The Top Ten Reasons To Write Effective Article Titles! Downloadable Versions: Here's Our Top Ten List - The Top Ten Reasons To Write Effective Article Titles: #10. Titles that are keyword-rich and relevant to your potential audience are the ones that are going to draw-in the most readers. #9. Despite what Charlie Sheen says, "Winning!" is not a benefit oriented article title. #8. Include benefits in the article title so your readers immediately know why they should read your article. #7. Use the long-tail concept to position your article titles so they can find traffic across the entire keyword distribution curve. #6. An effective title should be as attention-getting as Brad Pitt walking across this stage. #5. The title is the window to the content. If your reader likes what they see, they'll stop by, if they don't, they'll continue on their way. #4. Avoid using special characters in the article title because it can look like a #@S%& swear word and it confuses search engines. #3. Don't write the article title; let EzineArticles do it for you by using the "Title Suggestion Tool." #2. The keywords in your article title should be words and phrases that both match the content in your article and include terms that people are actually searching for in search engines. ... And, the #1 reason to write effective article titles: Your article title can determine as much as 95% of the overall success of the article. And that is your Top Ten Reasons to Write Effective Article Titles! Remember to write effective article titles when submitting your next set of quality articles to It will help more reader attention and drive more traffic back to your website or blog. So what are you waiting for?! Go now and write titles that will grab a reader's attention faster than they can say: "Winning, duh!" We'll be back on the Article Writing and Insights Blog with more tips for you, so come back soon! |
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