See What Happens When Quality Falls On the Priority List When a comedian fails to present his best material for his primetime show, its only a matter of time until he'll be hearing crickets, or worse yet, get booed off the stage. His audience paid good money to see him perform and if he doesn't live up to their expectations, they'll let him know. Your audience has certain expectations, too. High on that list is to be given quality information that's accurate and insightful. Regardless of the niche you write in, quality should always be your number one concern. If it's not, your audience may not "boo you off the stage," but they will click away from your article and go to someone else for the answers they're looking for. Watch this comedian FAIL to see what happens when quality is not the number one objective.  Downloadable Versions:
 Questions to Ask Yourself Here are 10 questions to ask yourself about your articles to make sure quality is a high priority in your writing: - Did I read the article out loud at least once to make sure it was error-free?
- Can my audience get this same exact information from another source?
- Is the point of this article to lead people to my links without giving any real, concrete advice?
- Am I answering a question or reservation I hear frequently from some of my everyday interactions?
- Did I stay on topic or get off track and write about things unrelated to the title of the article?
- What's this articles "punchline?" Did I place the most important pieces of information in the right spots?
- If I were in school, what type of grade would I give myself on this article?
- How much of the article comes from my own original thoughts compared to some research I just did?
- Is the link in my Resource Box relevant to the topic of the article, or does it lead the audience to something completely unrelated?
- Does the material I share go above and beyond the "general knowledge" level that everyone has?
- Am I proud to have my name connected to this content?
Did I miss anything? Feel free to visit this post online and share any other questions you ask yourself to make sure quality is your highest priority. |
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