vendredi 28 février 2014

[EzineArticles] Article Writing Tips to Retweet: February 2014

Article Writing Tips to Retweet: February 2014 Logo

Every month @EzineArticles provides over 100 useful tidbits of information, motivation, and training for over 104,900 followers.

We've gathered some of the best ones from February right here. Retweet any of them for motivation or to share with your Twitter followers.

Just CLICK on  to Retweet.

Motivational Quotes and Writing Advice

  • When all else fails, write what your heart tells you. "You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." - Mark Twain

  • Use what you stand for and what you oppose as a foundation to write great content that resonates with readers and creates a ripple effect.

  • Stop procrastinating. Start doing. "Once you stop stalling and start working, it takes a whole lot less time to do things!" - Crystal Paine

  • First drafts don't have to be perfect. They just have to be written.

  • Stay focused on what you want. "The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear." - Brian Tracy

  • Finish this sentence: You know you're a writer when ______.

EzineArticles Inside Information

Inspirational Guidance

What's your favorite Tweet from February? Have any writing advice, content marketing tips, or favorite quotes that you'd like us to share with our followers? Click here to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: For more posts like this, check out the Article Writing Tips to Retweet category and don't forget to follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest EzineArticles information and training.

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lundi 24 février 2014

[EzineArticles] 15 Ways to Boost Your Confidence in Your Writing: Kill the Doubt

15 Ways to Boost Your Confidence in Your Writing: Kill the Doubt Logo

Stop Doubting Your Ability to Write

The first blog post I had ever written for this blog scared me senseless. I knew the material after years assisting Expert Authors and leading an incredible group of editors, but that first post ... I stared a blank screen. I wrote a few lines, deleted them, wrote a few lines, deleted them, and continued repeating the cycle. I checked email and caught up on a few other projects. When Penny hinted at my approaching deadline for it, I finally locked the door to my office and churned out one of the worst drafts I've likely ever written in my life.

But that's okay! It's just the first draft, so who cares?! The first draft is always the toughest, but it didn't defeat me and it certainly doesn't have to defeat you. Through confiding in Penny and getting feedback from other writers, it dawned on me, like many of you may have experienced when you began writing or are experiencing right now:

It's not your skills getting in the way of your first draft. It's your confidence in your writing that's holding you back.

Here are 15 ways you can give your writing confidence a shot in the arm to get through any period of doubt and back into the writing saddle.

15 Ways to Boost Your Confidence in Your Writing

  1. Read: Besides the obvious keeping the pulse on the world and expanding your knowledge base, reading is like immersing yourself in the laboratories of other writers. You learn their discoveries, shadow their experiments, and can use that knowledge to experiment in your own writing as well.

  2. Write Every Day: In a journal, spend at least 10 minutes every day free writing - ignore spelling, grammar, or even staying on topic; write whatever is on your mind for 10 minutes. This will help pave the way to write more throughout your day.

  3. Write with Abandon: In the film world, the "one take wonder" is an incredibly rare thing. Altering this and that, film crews shoot take after take to get what they need. The same is true for writing. You will not have the perfect draft on the first take. Let your first draft be terrible and improve upon it later.

  4. Understand the Language: Often the most intimidating part of writing is grammar and style. Treat grammar like skill you would acquire for any trade: understand the technicalities (such as apostrophes and rein in ellipses), develop your style, and find your tone.

  5. Be Reasonable: Don't write as fast as you can to "get it over with." You'll only stunt your growth. You know the saying, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Take your time with your writing, so you can grow. You'll improve your speed as you improve your skillset.

  6. Re-Motivate: Feel like you've gone so far off your original path that you lack the motivation to write? Was it to help others? Was it to share your enthusiasm? Go back to the source and find the real reason why you began writing. Alternately, your reasons for writing may have changed over time - whatever it is find out why you want to write and renew your passion for writing.

  7. Connect With People: Avoid isolating yourself and gain a support network - whether composed of other writers or simply those who support you in your writing endeavors. Use the creative energy that you gain from reaching out to other people and feed it into your writing.

  8. Be Open to Feedback: Many writers cringe at the idea of submitting their precious work for a critique. Find someone you trust (who will be unbiased and honest) to provide suggestions for improvement as well as what they liked or disliked.

  9. Talk About It: Tell friends, family, peers, and even your fans about your current writing projects. Get their input and more importantly, share your enthusiasm. This will help you believe in your writing. That said, know when it's time to stop talking and start writing.

  10. Be Okay With the Flow: Writers often get a bad reputation for being wildly exuberant or compulsively frenetic. Go with your flow. If you go through crazy productive streaks of writing, then ride it. Just remember to get out and connect with others to avoid isolation.

  11. Think of Editing Positively: Writers will often treat editing like they're sending their article to the dentist to drill and fill dozens of cavities. Treat editing like you're sending the article to the spa: a massage for formatting, a manicure an introduction, a pedicure the conclusion, and more.

  12. Improve Your Focus: If can't sit down without distractions, it may be possible that you are perpetuating those distractions. Identify those habits that steal your time and then adjust your routine. Accommodate the distraction (such as schedule 10 minutes to check your email before you sit down to write) or eliminate it altogether.

  13. Believe You Can Write: You can be your worst critic. Stop beating yourself up each time you hit a writing roadblock. Cultivate your skills, find the right tools, and get feedback, but above all: believe in your ability to write. You're not going to succeed in writing unless you believe you can.

  14. Write What You Love: There's the old adage, "Write what you know," but what if what really makes you want to passionately write for hours on end is based on discovering what you don't know? Toss that old cliché. Write about what motivates you and interests you because that passion will help you build confidence in your writing.

  15. Overcome the Fear: What are you waiting for? Publish your articles. There's that moment before you hit submit, where risk and reward intermingle. Our IT developers here call it "The Fear." When you've crossed all of your t's and dotted your i's, but you still have that hairy feeling like you missed something. It's better to take the risk and try than to never submit. Once you've developed a process and a rapport with your editors, it gets much easier.

Have you ever struggled with your writing confidence? How did you get through it? Click here to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Bonus! Use Article Templates: Staring at a blank page and not knowing where to start can dampen your spirits. If you need help with a writing idea or you're not sure what type of content structure you should use, writing prompts like the Article Templates improve your spirits immensely.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Marc De Bruin "I am really grateful that sites like Ezinearticles exist ..."

I have really loved my journey with EzineArticles so far. It's a great tool to use. I often consider the amount of work that must go into this site. If I had to do all that myself, I'd go mad! I am really grateful that sites like Ezinearticles exist, as they make life for not-too-techie authors like me so much easier! And in a strange way, is somewhat of an accountability partner for me as well. If I don't post anything for a while, I start feeling guilty! Which makes me write, get noticed; which then motivates me to write more, etc.!

Marc De Bruin

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vendredi 21 février 2014

[EzineArticles] Q&A: How Do I Create an Article Set?

Q&A: How Do I Create an Article Set? Logo

From the Mailbag: The Questions and Answers of Article Writers and Content Marketers Shared Just Like You!

Whether you didn't know to ask, were too busy to ask, or didn't think it was important enough to ask, you know there's a huge benefit to listening in to the responses of other people's questions. It's one of the reasons talk shows have been such a huge hit: We can learn from the experiences of others and gain expert advice to apply to our own lives.

With this benefit in mind, I'm excited to introduce a new series that will post our Expert Authors writing and content marketing questions and we'll answer them - in great depth - right here for you. So let's stop killing time and get to it!

Janice from New Zealand writes:

I recently wrote an article that was too long on its own, so I separated it into two articles. When I submitted them, I received a reply that they were not considered suitable for publication because they were not complete on their own. How do I create an article set so each article stands on its own, but it also connects to the other article?

Accidental Article Sets

What Janice is describing is what we refer to as an Accidental Article Set. For example:

You intend to write one article between 500-700 words and then find yourself on a writing roll that produces 1,500-2,000 words. It's a fantastic article that's jam-packed with relevant and informative tips and insights, but it's overly long for your audience. One solution is to split the article in half, give the other half a new title, an introduction, and conclusion to form an article set.

How to Turn One Lengthy Article into an Article Set

1. Find the Natural Break in the Article

In order for an article to be successfully sliced into two, the reader must gain the full benefit of one article without having read the other(s). To do this, you need to find the natural break in your article. Let's dissect Janice's article to show this.

Janice's first draft, which we'll call "Method XYZ: Why You Should Do It and Best Practices," was broken up into 6 sections that resemble a frequently used style in article writing.

  • The Hook: Introduction
  • The Thing: What Is It?
  • The Benefit: Why Should You Do It?
  • The Method(s): How to Do It?
  • The Conclusion: Call-to-Action
  • The Resource Box: Relevant Information About the Author & Links

This format easily lends itself to the creation of an article set because there are natural breaks:

"Method XYZ: What it Is and How it Can Help You"

  • The Hook: Introduction
  • The Thing: What Is It?
  • The Benefit: Why Should You Do It?
  • The Conclusion: Call-to-Action (Link to Next Article in the Series)
  • The Resource Box: Relevant Information About the Author & Links

"Method XYZ: Best Practices to Get the Most Benefit"

  • The Hook: Introduction (Quick Recap of What it Is and the Benefit)
  • The Method(s): How to Do It?
  • The Conclusion: Call-to-Action (Link to the Previous Article in the Series)
  • The Resource Box: Relevant Information About the Author & Links

Remember to ask yourself: "Does the reader have to look at my other articles in this series to get the benefit?" If the answer is yes, then the article does not stand alone and it's not ready for submission. Ensure the article stands alone to amplify the power of your article set by providing so much benefit that the reader seeks out more articles written by you.

2. Ensure the Title Delivers on the Promise

Let's say I wrote an article titled "5 Critical Action Steps to Article Writing Success" and each step bloomed into 400-500 words. That's potentially well over 2,000-2,500 words. So I decide to split the article off after each step (while ensuring that each article body stands alone).

Examples of Titles That Don't Deliver

If I'm like many writers, I may try to tack on a "Step I" or "Part I" for an easy title fix, like in the following titles:

  • 5 Critical Action Steps to Article Writing Success: Step I
  • Critical Action Steps to Article Writing Success: Step I

The above titles present a problem for prospective readers and publishers:

In the first title, the article doesn't deliver the 4 steps beyond step 1, so the title does not deliver on its promise of "5 Critical Action Steps."

In both titles, simply tagging a Step I, Step II, etc. on each article title doesn't quite work either because it implies the article is incomplete. If the reader finds the article at Step III, then they will either have to dig around for Steps I and II to catch up or will continue on to Steps IV and V and decide whether it's worth it to back track to I or II later. More likely, they will move on to an article that's more accessible to them without having to skip ahead or move backward.

In either case, if you are concerned about improving your ability to be syndicated (getting picked up by ezines, website publishers, or content curators), accessibility is just as important. Frankly, an article series will rarely get picked up and distributed by publishers because they are looking for specific content. Not everything in your series might be relevant to them and pragmatically, they are allotted 25 articles per year to syndicate from on their website or in their newsletters. They are unlikely to seek out all 5 articles in your series because that's a huge gamble with their audience and it would leave them with only 20 articles left to share for the rest of the year.

Examples of Titles That Do Deliver

  • Critical Action Step to Create Article Writing Success: Objective Prewriting
  • Critical Action Step to Create Article Writing Success: Plan and Outline
  • Critical Action Step to Create Article Writing Success: Write with Abandon
  • Critical Action Step to Create Article Writing Success: Edit Mercilessly
  • Critical Action Step to Create Article Writing Success: Proofread Critically

Notice a common theme of these titles? It's a series of article titles that are distributor friendly because they don't have numbers! Instead of using phrases like "Part 1 of 3" to identify your articles in a series, use a phrase that's engaging and descriptive.

Linking Article Sets Together

Once all of the articles in the set or series are live, you can go back and update your articles to include the link to the next part in the series and vice versa. Returning to the example of Janice's article set, she made the article set more accessible to readers by using the following language at the end of her articles:

  • Article I

    Ready for the next step? Discover more in "Method XYZ: Best Practices to Get the Most Benefit" at [the link to her next article]

  • Article II

    Did you miss "Method XYZ: What it Is and How it Can Help You"? No problem! You can view it at [the link to her previous article]

Please note that links to your articles are still considered self-serving and are counted toward your maximum allotment of 2 self-serving links in each article submission. In this example, Janice provided the link to the other article at the very end of her article body and then provided a link to her website in the Resource Box. Also, links are not allowed above the fold, including links to other articles.

When Accidental Article Sets Might Not Work

In a pinch, Accidental Article Sets work. However, some articles are more difficult to split than others. For example:

"20 Ways to Save Money"

In cases like these - where a list of ways, methods, tips, etc. is used - bigger is better. Larger numbers at the beginning of titles tend to take the lead over articles featuring smaller numbers because users like well-packaged information that's tangible (i.e., in one place). For example, users will be more inclined to click the article titled "20 Ways to Save Money" over "10 Ways to Save Money Part I" and "10 Ways to Save Money Part II" because the former offers more promise to fulfill their needs on one fell swoop.

Other articles it may be difficult (but not impossible) to split include product reviews and instructional articles (e.g., Step-by-Step/How-To/DIY).

Redesign Your Article into a Set or Series

Alternately, (if you're not pushing up against a deadline and can dedicate a little more time to your article) consider taking a step back: Reassess your approach to the article by narrowing the topic. For example, "20 Ways to Save Money" may appeal to a very broad audience, but it will also compete with a ton of content just like it. To increase your chances of success and rise above the saturation of content available, target specific audience segments and then narrow the topic:

  • 20 Ways to Save Money for College (audience: high-school students and their parents/guardians)
  • 20 Ways to Save Money for Your Wedding (audience: women between the ages of 25-35 and couples)
  • 20 Ways to Save Money for Your Retirement (audience: adults between the ages of 20-40)

And so on and so forth. We might find some common methods to save money between these audiences (such as "skip those daily lattes and put the money in the bank"). However, a college student has a unique set of needs and priorities than a couple saving for their wedding. It's up to the author to address those priorities and meet those needs in how they present the method.

If you can, plan an article series in advance, but feel free to take advantage of the simplicity an Accidental Article Set offers to increase your exposure and keep readers happy. Just remember: Always deliver on the title and ensure your articles can stand on their own so nothing comes between your readers and a great user experience.

Do you prefer article sets or individual articles? Click here to let us know! We'd love to hear from you and don't forget to stay tuned for more "From the Mailbag" posts.

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Don't be mistaken, Article Templates are not just for beginners! Our new templates are geared to help you and your business today:

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Nigel Brooks " has worked out extremely well ..."

The relationship with has worked out extremely well. As a consequence of publishing articles on, I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization. However, and most importantly, I have been able to use as a way of helping others.

Nigel Brooks

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lundi 17 février 2014

[EzineArticles] 15 Powerful Ways Your Writing Can Make a Difference

15 Powerful Ways Your Writing
Can Make a Difference Logo

"True joy comes when you inspire, encourage, and guide someone else on a path that benefits him or her." - Zig Ziglar

The stages of writing an article, from initial brainstorming, researching, outlining, and completion, do not have to be overwhelming.

You know two things:

  • You need to grab your audience's attention.
  • You need to become a formidable force in your niche.

How do you achieve this?

Think about where you want your work to take you. Next, consider the impact of your work and how it has affected your audience. No matter how many articles you produce, nothing will compare to the experience and emotion that readers experience because of your work.

A simple idea can transform someone's life. An inspiring, positive message can cause a chain reaction that changes a mindset or belief. With your writing, you're not merely giving your reader something to read to pass the time. You're lighting a game-changing fire under the seat of their pants that challenges them to reach into their thoughts to consider what they've read as well as how it impacts their life and those closest to them.

Are your ready to make a positive impact? Make your writing stand out in an ocean of bland and uninspiring content with this list of ways you can impact others and truly make a difference.

15 Powerful Ways Your Writing Can Make a Difference

  1. Inspiring Others Starts with Your Story: We can never hear enough inspirational stories or initiatives for good deeds. 9 out of 10 commercials you see don't even touch on it, they're all about advertising. The is also a common error in the volume of submissions we receive from new authors. If you really want to make an impression on others and give them hope, start with yourself. Show others how you empower yourself. How do you prepare for the day? How do you ensure your time is spent wisely? How do you remain productive without missing out on priorities? Empower your audience by sharing your story.

  2. Good Deeds Matter: Random acts of kindness are generous ways to surprise and reward strangers. In some places you can order "suspended" coffee or food, making it available for others who need it more. The homeless or people in need can ask if there are any suspended items available, and since they are already paid for, it's a free item. Make a list of good deeds that you feel are the most rewarding, and use personal examples by including the message you're trying to send with each one.

  3. Express Your Enthusiasm: List ways your readers can be authentic and tap into their passions. Enthusiasm is contagious! Help your readers build character and reject their feelings of self-doubt with your enthusiasm. Share lessons from your successes and failures. Keep them engaged by clearly and honestly communicating your advice.

  4. A Cause or Movement Important to You: Write about a cause or movement that has real meaning to you. There are several groups actively making a difference and their rising number of followers determines their expanding range of impact. What groups have you been following? Where do you see change that is needed?

  5. Encourage Fitness: Physical fitness isn't limited to improving appearance. It can make you feel better, reduce anxiety, decrease stress, prevent disease, connect with others who have the same goals, and give you a sense of purpose. Share your thoughts on health and fitness by highlighting what works for you. List techniques close to home to help with relaxation or with a workout routine. Your tips can be instructional or merely a change in lifestyle, but don't forget to list the benefits!

  6. Fun Activities with Goals in Mind: Provide your readers with useful goals to stay positive by listing fun activities to try. These can be indoor team-building exercises or creative-outdoor activities. Expand your usual recreation material and share something new you have tried. Think of goals you prescribe to your readers, but make them fun and engaging in order to stimulate the mind and improve their relationship with themselves. It's amazing how a simple change in a hobby can transform an outlook on life. What ideas can you share?

  7. List Heroes of All Kinds: A hero can be a role model that you have a personal relationship with, or someone you look up to that you have never met. Write about some of these people, fictitious characters included. Think about their qualities and what makes them unique and heroic. If you were to create your own superhero, what characteristics and powers would you have? What adventures or journeys would you go on? Would you have a trustworthy sidekick? Be as creative as you want!

  8. Communities and Their Impact: Charities or foundations don't have the reach most businesses do, but that doesn't stop them from improving the lives of people. Provide a list of ones that are at the top of their game in helping those in need. Nonprofits need your exposure to grow, provide visibility and credibility to keep providing services. These communities are everywhere: make it a goal to discover and write about them through your articles. Help spread the word, support their cause!

  9. The Effects of Gardening: Gardening is a soothing and rewarding activity. It can improve your satisfaction with life and get you more connected with nature. You can list some of your favorite recipes as "comfort food" and the benefits of ones on the healthier side. Do you know of any gardening or cooking clubs in your area? Do some research and reveal some of these with your readers. Help them see nature and the environment as inspiring topics. It's also good exercise and can be a goal-oriented hobby with delicious results.

  10. Think About the Troops: You don't need to talk about the complexity of war or the impact it has on families to inspire your audience. There are many things you can write about that touch on the experience our troops go through. They get visits from celebrities and leaders in business; they are not tucked away overseas by themselves. Our Veterans are also not hiding; they're out there trying to make a difference. You can pay it forward by interacting with them, and writing about organizations they are active in. With their permission, tell their stories.

  11. Improving Relationships: You can use your own experiences with relationships to help educate and make a difference. Touch on your strengths, weaknesses, and how you overcome personal battles. Social media is growing by the day and the connection with your audience as well as their connection with each other can only help you all grow. Discuss how to remain proactive in an argument and steps you take to communicate properly with various personality types.

  12. Review Impactful Books or Movies: Stories can invoke such emotion and drama, whether it's over time with a book or in 1 sitting for a movie. Choose some of your favorite books or films and explore various opinions and messages conveyed. What parts make you reflect the most? What characters do you admire and what strengths make them memorable? There are so many choices to review, making it an ongoing adventure for your writing.

  13. Volunteer Work: It can be tough to find time in our hectic work schedules to do volunteer work. Touch on volunteering and note the variety of ways people can be involved. It's a great way to make a positive impact in a community and any little bit can help. Through your passion and encouragement, you may inspire hundreds of others to volunteer!

  14. Going Green: Energy efficiency and conservation can have a lasting impact on your wellbeing, not to mention it can help your finances. We hear the phrase "going green," but are we really doing the best we can in reducing our carbon footprint? Think about the environmental impact you leave behind and share your thoughts through your writing. Sometimes all it takes is awareness to create a movement as strong as helping the environment.

  15. Travel & Leisure: Visit new and interesting locations that are great for exploring, or have a peaceful appearance. Capture the landscape in detail and explain how it makes you feel. Think about the vision and structure of the people or environment around you. It's important to list specifics and make the visit appealing and feel adventurous. If your writing makes your readers feel like they are there, that's exceptional writing!

Make a positive impact and help your readers climb that proverbial ladder to a happier and more fulfilling life! Try any and all of the above ideas to inspire readers. How do you make a difference in your writing? Click here to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Want more writing ideas? Check out the Article Templates at the EzineArticles Shop for over 100 writing prompts!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Don't be mistaken, Article Templates are not just for beginners! Our new templates are geared to help you and your business today:

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
John Highman "Quality Articles Placed on Deliver Consistently"

EzineArticles has been and will remain a big part of my marketing strategy online. It delivers, over and over, quality visitors to my website and landing pages.

Online marketing success is created today by a number of things; the value of content in attracting subscribers and visitors remains high and that is why quality articles placed on deliver consistently.

The process of working with the team at is easy and direct. Get started with article marketing today.

John Highman

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vendredi 14 février 2014

[EzineArticles] 7 Reasons You Should Be Passionate About XYZ

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Be Passionate About XYZ Logo

Happy Valentine's Day! Share the passion you have for writing articles using this free Article Template!

"Knowledge is power, but enthusiasm pulls the switch." - Ivern Ball

Facts are waiting for anyone to pick them up and share them with others. However, facts are just facts without connection and enthusiasm. It's your conviction, your belief, your immeasurable feelings, and your passion that compels your audience to stop and listen.

It's for that reason you can positively electrify your writing by sharing your passion and connecting readers to the facts.

Give it a try with this article template!

7 Reasons You Should Be Passionate About XYZ Article Template


Open with a great hook relevant to your topic: a quick anecdote that illustrates a story (dilemma or otherwise), a surprising statement that evokes interest, or a scene that places the reader in the future (either if they do or don't become passionate about XYZ).

Ordered List

Provide a list of reasons why your audience should be passionate about your topic. Consider WIIFM (what's in it for me)? Why is it relevant to your audience and how does it benefit them? Begin each point with vivid power words that charge up your reader and motivates them to act. Share your delight about your topic!


What's the next step? What should your audience do? Tell your audience in a clear and motivating call-to-action with a large dose of passion in your prescription.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Click here to download this Article Template FREE to begin writing your very own 7 Reasons You Should Be Passionate About XYZ article.

From EzineArticles, with love.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Hurry! Our buy one, get one 50% OFF Article Templates Valentine's Day Special ends on Sunday, February 16, 2014. Click the banner below to get more Article Templates like the one above at the EzineArticles Shop!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Kerry B Johnson "I Really Love the Work That Ezinearticles Does"

I really love the work that EzineArticles does. My favorite thing I like is getting those training newsletters each week. They are simple, because folks wouldn't know what to do and the tips are wonderful.

Kerry B Johnson

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mercredi 12 février 2014

[EzineArticles] Title Workshop: 5 Smart Ways to Give Your Titles Love

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Even Titles Need Tender Loving Care

You need to focus more time on your titles because crummy titles will kill your success. Think about it like this:

Content x Title = Exposure

Now let's take this a step further. Imagine you've spent hours or even days writing a quality, innovative article that's loaded with originality, but zero (quality) time on your title. And what do you get when you multiply anything by zero? Zero.

Several hours or days writing content x 0 title writing = 0 Exposure

As you can see, it won't make a difference how much time you spend on your article if you choose to spend zero time on the clickability of your title. Your title is the amplifier that determines your article's exposure (i.e., the amount of readers who visit, share, and engage with your article). So you can see, skipping your title is like shooting yourself in the foot right before a race.

That's not to say you should throw in the towel! DO spend time writing a quality, original article that creates value for your readers. And DO spend time crafting a quality, relevant title that piques a reader's curiosity and encourages them to click for more information. Your efforts will not be in vain because your time will nurture great exposure.

Okay, so you admit: Your titles can be better. Let's make it so.

5 Methods to Increase the Clickability of Your Article Titles

1. Use Active Voice

Where passive voice makes titles meander at a slower pace, active voice gives titles gratifying momentum. For example:

  • [Passive Voice] Water Found on Mars by Curiosity Rover!
  • [Active Voice] Curiosity Rover Finds Water on Mars!*

*Disclaimer: We are not stating that NASA's Curiosity rover has found hard evidence of water on Mars, but they are reporting having found clues of possible water flows on Mars.

2. Use Power Words

Power words can instantly make your titles pop:

  • Make it Profitable: Rich, Greatest, Gift, Profit, Frenzy, Double, Feast, Fortune, Prize
  • Inspire Motivation: Conquer, Victory, Delight, Sensational, Fulfill, Miracle, Hope, Daring
  • Invoke Fear: Beating, Bloodbath, Horrific, Terror, Destroy, Volatile, Catastrophe
  • Provide Safety: Secure, Tested, Verify, Protected, Certified, Guaranteed, Backed, Authentic
  • Be Secretive: Concealed, Private, Forbidden, Confidential, Blacklisted, Behind-the-Scenes

3. Evoke Curiosity

You need to strike a balance by finding that sweet spot between vague and specific. For instance, you don't want to be so vague that you cannot connect to the reader or they don't have a good grasp of what your article is about. Nor do you want to be so specific that you give it all away and your audience doesn't need to click.

Create an information gap between what your audience knows and what they want to know. Use these two elements:

  • Change (New or Remarkable Concept/Idea/Thing That Piques Their Curiosity)
  • Desirable Outcome (What Your Audience Wants or Something Better Than They Could Ever Imagine)

4. Study Trends

Stay tuned to social media and trends. You can spot headlines that are quite simply masterful in writing great titles by the engagement and response of its audience. Consider the following:

  • What about the title drew you in?
  • Were power words used?
  • Was there a curiosity gap?

5. Practice. Practice. Practice.

Write a title. Write a variation of it. Rewrite it again and again. In fact, write 10-20 different titles for the same article. Pick the best one. Test. Test. Test. Find what works for you in attracting your audience.

5 Cardinal Rules of Article Titles

Before we leave, please follow these 5 Cardinal Rules of article titles:

  1. Thou shalt be accurate and relate the article body to the article title.
  2. Thou shalt write for humans and not search engines.
  3. Thou shalt use proper grammar and spelling.
  4. Thou shalt promise to never, ever use bait and switch tactics.
  5. Thou shalt refrain form the usage of emoticons, smartquotes, or other superfluous characters.

Related Articles

Can't get enough of titles? Then check out these great related articles:

  • The Long-Tail Method: How to Write Great Titles So Easily, You'll Wonder Why You Didn't Do It Before [Click Here]
  • The Thesaurus: Your Dark Horse to Writing Killer Titles? [Click Here]
  • Article Titles Demand More Effort to Avoid Wasting Time [Click Here]
  • Title Power: A Guide to Great Titles [Click Here]
  • What to Capitalize in a Title [Click Here]
  • Article Titles and Broken Promises [Click Here]

Use these tips to give your titles love and amplify your exposure! What tips do you have for writing great titles? Click here to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Here are some other ways to give your writing some love:

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

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