mercredi 26 décembre 2012

[EzineArticles] 2012 EzineArticles Video Roundup

2012 EzineArticles Video Roundup Logo

The Top Ten EzineArticles Videos of 2012

In case you missed the video releases on the Blog, on our YouTube Channel, or in the Newsletter, here are the Top Ten EzineArticles Videos of 2012 with a short recap of each video's message.

1. The Power of Social Networking

Between Twitter and Facebook alone, there are over 800 million users tweeting, sharing, posting, reposting, and more. For Expert Authors, this exchange of information makes article writing and social networking a perfect match. Watch this video and discover strategies and tips to harness The Power of Social Networking!

2. 2 Minute Approval Tips: #20 Reaching the Word Count

Avoid the fluff in your next quality, original article and reach the minimum word count the right way. Watch this video to discover how you can reach the minimum word count the right way to increase your credibility and build your readership.

3. Common Article Writing Roadblocks - Promotional Content

By acknowledging there may be potential roadblocks ahead and knowing how to steer clear of these would-be hazards, you can ensure your article journey goes smoothly for you and your readers. Watch this video to discover the first roadblock many new and experienced Expert Authors encounter: Product Sales/Promotional Content.

4. Article Content vs. Real Life – Location Stuffing

If you choose to target an audience or demographic based on a location (instead of a national or even global audience), ensure you are providing the reader with a detailed, unambiguous map that is relevant to your article's topic. Discover how Late Night Article Writing host Lenny Wordsmith learns to provide value without location stuffing.

5. Late Night Article Writing: 4th Edition

Catch up with your favorite Late Night Article Writing host and his special guest, Calvin Grammar as they count down the Top Ten Ways to Generate Article Ideas.

6. Common Article Writing Roadblocks - Keyword Abuse

There are many quick and easy methods that will sabotage your efforts. One such method: Throwing keywords aimlessly at content. Discover the top 5 roadblocks associated with poor keyword usage and keyword abuse in the second edition of our Common Article Writing Roadblocks video series.

7. Increase Your Visibility to Get Results

Do you find yourself staring at your analytics and continually asking yourself: "Why is no one visiting my site?" Rather than getting frustrated with your traffic results, consider the root of the issue: your visibility. Watch this video to discover how you can wash away your frustrations to increase your visibility and become a leader in your niche!

8. Article Content vs. Real Life – Quality Linking

Visitors expect fast-loading and easily-navigable pages that are bursting with rich, relevant content. Discover how a search for a stapler is similar to a visitor clicking through to a blog or website in 5 discouraging (and even scary) scenarios.

9. EzineArticles Presents: The Haunted Typewriter

Dared to enter the condemned schoolhouse by friends, Johnny pushed through cobwebs and found it: the haunted typewriter. Legend dictates the typewriter, possessed by Miss Darkwright, types a message back, but those who have discovered its secrets have never returned. Discover what happens to Johnny ...

10. Celebrating EzineArticles' 13th Anniversary

Every single article submitted to is reviewed by an Associate Editor and a Quality Control Editor, which ensures your articles will provide value for readers as well as publishers and ultimately help you achieve your goals. Watch our tribute to the 450,000+ Expert Authors who submit original, quality articles!

Bonus: The Twelve Days of Poor Grammar

Celebrate the true spirit of article writing, language, and good grammar by watching "The Twelve Days of Poor Grammar." Sing along and don't forget to share!

Subscribe to the EzineArticles YouTube Channel to find even more EzineArticles videos.

What's your favorite video? We'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions in the comments section of this post online.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Click here to check out this year's holiday card featuring the EzineArticles team in festive attire!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Kym Gordon Moore "You guys are simply the BEST!" is truly a reputable directory article site that gives so many writers an opportunity to publish their work and have it exposed to a huge global audience. You guys are simply the BEST!

Kym Gordon Moore

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vendredi 21 décembre 2012

[EzineArticles] The Twelve Days of Poor Grammar

The Twelve Days of Poor Grammar Logo

Starring the EzineArticles Carolers!

Celebrate the true spirit of article writing, language, and good grammar by checking out the "The Twelve Days of Poor Grammar" lyrics below the video and sing along!

Downloadable Versions:
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The Twelve Days of Poor Grammar

On the first day of submission,
my article came back to me
with one spelling error, oh gee!

On the second day of submission,
my article came back to me
with two misused words,
and one spelling error, oh gee!

On the third day of submission,
my article came back to me
with three texting texts,
two misused words,
and one spelling error, oh gee!

On the fourth day of submission,
my article came back to me
with four poorly possessive apostrophes,
three texting texts,
two misused words,
and one spelling error, oh gee!

On the fifth day of submission,
my article came back to me
with five run-on sentences,
four poorly possessive apostrophes,
three texting texts,
two misused words,
and one spelling error, oh gee!

On the sixth day of submission,
my article came back to me
with six confusing contractions,
five run-on sentences,
four poorly possessive apostrophes,
three texting texts,
two misused words,
and one spelling error, oh gee!

On the seventh day of submission,
my article came back to me
with seven comma splices,
six confusing contractions,
five run-on sentences,
four poorly possessive apostrophes,
three texting texts,
two misused words,
and one spelling error, oh gee!

On the eighth day of submission,
my article came back to me
with eight double negatives,
seven comma splices,
six confusing contractions,
five run-on sentences,
four poorly possessive apostrophes,
three texting texts,
two misused words,
and another spelling error, oh gee!

On the ninth day of submission,
my article came back to me
with nine malfunctioned conjunctions,
eight double negatives,
seven comma splices,
six confusing contractions,
five run-on sentences,
four poorly possessive apostrophes,
three texting texts,
two misused words,
and one spelling error, oh gee!

On the tenth day of submission,
my article came back to me
with ten incomplete sentences,
nine malfunctioned conjunctions,
eight double negatives,
seven comma splices,
six confusing contractions,
five run-on sentences,
four poorly possessive apostrophes,
three texting texts, two misused words,
and one spelling error, oh gee!

On the eleventh day of submission,
my article came back to me
with eleven split infinitives,
ten incomplete sentences,
nine malfunctioned conjunctions,
eight double negatives,
seven comma splices,
six confusing contractions,
five run-on sentences,
four poorly possessive apostrophes,
three texting texts,
two misused words,
and one spelling error, oh gee!

On the twelfth day of submission,
my article came back to me
with twelve dangling modifiers,
eleven split infinitives,
ten incomplete sentences,
nine malfunctioned conjunctions,
eight double negatives,
seven comma splices,
six confusing contractions,
five run-on sentences,
four poorly possessive apostrophes,
three texting texts,
two misused words,
and one spelling error, oh gee!


Give your readers the gift of good grammar! Celebrate the true spirit of article writing, language, and good grammar by watching "The Twelve Days of Poor Grammar." Simply click here, sing along, and don't forget to share.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: The end of the year is almost here! Plan next year's Editorial Calendar to get ready with these great tips: click here.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Nigel Brooks " has worked out extremely well ..."

The relationship with has worked out extremely well. As a consequence of publishing articles on, I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization. However, and most importantly, I have been able to use as a way of helping others.

Nigel Brooks

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mardi 18 décembre 2012

[EzineArticles] Are Your Resource Box Links Transparent and Relevant?

Are Your Resource Box Links Transparent and Relevant? Logo

Increasing Your Success

We recently discussed 7 tips to increase your click rate and how several elements of your article and Resource Box play an enormous role in satisfying your reader's needs. In return, satisfied readers will give you power to build a solid platform of success. Let's take a closer look into a healthy Resource Box and how you can naturally encourage your readers to visit your blog or website with clear, relevant, and concise language in concert with your links.

4 Key Elements to Bear in Mind

When you write, you not only write to inform in your article, but you also provide further value and relevance within your Resource Box and on your links to your blog or website. Be sure to blend these four key ingredients well and you'll have a recipe for article success.

Brand: The topic you write about and how you showcase your expertise is a direct reflection on you as an Expert Author and your personal or professional brand. You're the expert, so give your readers the information they want and need by providing your original insights. Be transparent in your Resource Box and website by ensuring your brand carries through your submission to your website.

Keywords: You want to sound authoritative, but not spammy - only use keywords naturally and maintain quality. It's possible to highlight key ideas and thoughts without using specific keyword phrases dotted throughout. The language in your article should be natural, purposeful, and create a bridge of trust between you and your reader. This bridge provides a clear path to your Resource Box without the keyword "clutter."

Anchor text: A good way to think about anchor text is as a gateway or "window" to more relevant content. What's your company name? What's your URL? The text used here needs to be transparent and relevant, thereby "anchoring" your brand and furthering the information you've provided within your article. Avoid using keyword phrases in anchor text that don't read naturally to highlight your most important asset: your brand.

Links: How much trust you've built in your relationship with your audience will be tested in your Resource Box and on your links. Without relevance, your links won't be strong enough to pull your audience in for more juicy content. Provide a common thread by carrying your article topic through your entire submission to your website: your article > Resource Box > website.

Introducing Co-Occurrence in Your Resource Box

So how does combining all of these elements serve to enhance your anchor text? Each of these things work together to reinforce transparency and relevance, and your Resource Box is ultimately where the two come together to work their magic. This can be done optimally by practicing "co-occurrence."

Co-occurrence is based on brand association and is often used by search engines to determine quality and relevance for its users. For example, if you think of a word like "chips," "cola," "shoes," etc., no doubt a particular product or brand came to mind. Using co-occurrence, you can use keywords associated with your brand in your Resource Box to reinforce your transparency, relevance, rank, and click rate.

For example, let's say you're an expert on fish and aquariums and your company is "Joe's Fish and Aquariums." Rather than repeating keywords in your Resource Box or in your anchor text, pair your brand with your URL and use this to formulate your call-to-action:

"Joe Smith has been an aquatic expert for over 30 years. Joe's Fish and Aquariums is your number one source for aquarium fish and supplies. To order, go to"

By doing this, you've increased your transparency by making it clear who you are, you've shown that your anchor text is indeed relevant to your article topic, and increased the likelihood readers will want to connect with you on your website or blog. What do you do to increase transparency and trust with your readers? Let us know in the comments section here!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Want a tremendously successful method to plan your writing efforts? Click here to discover how you can create an annual Editorial Calendar with these easy tips.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Cathy Stucker "... build an expert reputation ..."

After submitting articles to, I experienced a dramatic improvement in my website's search engine rankings -- and the increases in traffic and sales that come with top rankings.

I recommend to anyone who wants to increase their web visibility and build an expert reputation.

Cathy Stucker

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vendredi 14 décembre 2012

[EzineArticles] Looking Back Article Template

Looking Back Article Template Logo

Shared Events Attract Attention

Humans generally aren't classified as "lone wolves." We like to connect, interact, share, and simply be together. Think of big events that happen - whether it's something tragic, something political, something environmental, or even something joyful - we talk, we protest, we advocate ... we do.

Taking a look back reminds us of our shared history, experiences, and discoveries. Whether it's nostalgic or the desire to do bigger, better things in our lives and business, it provides us with a foundation to look to our future. That's why writing a Looking Back article is a great way to connect with your audience and increase engagement.

The Looking Back Article Template

First, make a list of great, shared events that have occurred in your niche or events that have influenced your niche. Select the top 5-7 events that had the greatest impact on your niche. Did these events have a common element? Did one event cause another event? Next, write an article connecting these events together in a concise format for your readers using the following template:

1. Introduce - Write an introduction that grabs your reader's attention in the first 2-3 lines and then projects what your article is about in the last line. Provide readers with a relevant shocking argument, stirring fact, or startling confession that looks back over your niche or the culmination of an event.

2. List an Event - Provide a headline of the event. Consider, if this were in the newspaper, how would the headline read? Below each headline, describe what the event was and how it impacted your niche. Avoid providing specific dates as this could make it appear like a press release, rather than an informative article.

3. Continue - Repeat Step 2 until your list of top 5-7 events is exhausted.

4. Conclude - In your conclusion, summarize briefly the take away of all of these events. Provide a prediction of what will happen in the future.

Connect with your readers by taking a look back and sharing your analysis of an event, the year, or even the century as it relates to your niche.

Want more article templates? Increase your exposure and your article library simultaneously by downloading EzineArticles' 52 interactive Article Templates on PDF. Click here for more details!

Have you written an article using the Looking Back style? Share your article and experiences in the comments section here.

Christopher M. Knight To Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher

PS: Need a great stocking stuffer? Get the EzineArticles' Article Templates on the go with the limited edition Deck of Cards: click here!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
David Greene "The benefits will be dramatic"

EzineArticles has been one of the best Internet marketing decisions I've made over the years. One thing that is important with Internet marketing is to produce content consistently, not once a month. The benefits ... will be dramatic in that regard. The whole process is a marathon, not a sprint!

David Greene

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mercredi 12 décembre 2012

[EzineArticles] Top 10 Quality Measures to Increase Article Success

Top 10 Quality Measures to Increase Article Success Logo

Let Quality Be Your Guide

We're not going to mince words here. Ensure you have these quality control measures in your article writing lineup to provide a quality reader experience or you may find yourself and your efforts left in the dust.

1. Proofread and Edit

Spelling and grammatical errors in social media or email may be considered a forgivable offense, but in your articles - no way. Employ a draft system:

  • Draft 1: Brainstorm and outline topic.
  • Draft 2: Write with wild abandon.
  • Draft 3: Mercilessly edit, tighten, and polish.

2. Tell, Not Sell

The title, summary, and article body aren't the places to describe the goods and services your business provides - even if you don't name your business within the content, alluding to it is a no-no. Not only will you run out of article topics fast, you'll be rejected by readers. Provide non-promotional, informative articles for the good of your audience 100% of the time.

3. Inform with Quality and Originality

Avoid generalities like the plague. In an article on tips for dog toys, listing "play fetch by using a ball" is far from groundbreaking. Put some elbow grease into your creativity and provide only FRESH information. More fresh tips: Mentioning or discussing a location? Provide an original experience that places the reader in that location. Writing about a common topic? What interesting information based on your experiences can make that topic more engaging and new? Always ask yourself: What's makes this article original?

4. Be True to Your Title

Take your titles seriously. That's not to say you can't be humorous or whimsical, but you should put effort into writing your titles so they're searchable, desirable, and deliverable. If you've created a captivating title that is relevant to your reader's needs and promised a benefit, ensure your article brings the reader home by delivering everything the title promised and more.

5. Provide a Call-to-Action

Strategy! Broadcasting a bunch of links in your article or Resource Box and hoping for the best isn't going to yield results. It's similar to a busy intersection without a sense of traffic flow or directional signs. Your submission is allotted up to two self-serving links. Although you can place a link in your article body, strategically placing your submission allotment of 2 relevant links with a call-to-action in your Resource Box (none in the article) gives you momentum and your readers direction.

6. Always Link in the Resource Box

If your Resource Box has been proven to be the best location for your links, why would you link in your article body, but not in your Resource Box? Again, think strategy. Always provide at least one link in your Resource Box (although providing both in the Resource Box has yielded many authors great results). Here are the two best linking strategies:

  • Link twice in your Resource Box without any links in your article body. Provide one text-based anchored link and one URL-based anchored link.
  • Link once below the fold in your article body with a text-based anchored link and then one URL-based anchored link in your Resource Box.

7. Link to Quality

Your website should provide a quality experience that meets these 5 areas:

  • Original - Provide unique information that cannot be found anywhere else.
  • Quality - Use clean formatting as well as good grammar and spelling.
  • Relevance - Meet your reader's expectations, needs, wants, and interests.
  • Navigation - Practice clear, simple, and easily accessible navigation.
  • Transparency - Establish your presence on your website to increase transparency.

8. Use an Eye-Pleasing Format

Train your reader's eye down the page by making it easy for them. Avoid huge chunks of text by adding full vertical line breaks between paragraphs, incorporate meaningful headers, and employ ordered or unordered lists when applicable.

9. Increase Byline Transparency

Ensure your reader can focus on the article instead of figuring out who wrote it by repeating your name, who you are, and what you can further provide the reader in your Resource Box.

10. Test Your Links Regularly

Don't create a dead-end for your readers. We've said it before and we'll say it again: Check them once, check 'em twice – if the link doesn't work, fix it or don't use the link. If you make any structural changes to your blog or website or completely rebrand yourself by closing a website, don't forget all of your live articles that may be linking to it! Routinely check to make sure everything is up and running.

What quality measure would you like added to this list? Share it in the comments section here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Project confidence and trust to earn it! Click here to discover how with these 7 tips to increase your click rate.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Patricia Weaver "EzineArticles surely has worked for me."

I really have supported my business with my ezine articles ... This has been a tremendous boost to branding of my name, my website, and my various projects. I am looked upon as an expert on aging, someone that writes about their subject. People get an idea of what you think, as well as what you can give to their organization or on an individual basis. EzineArticles surely has worked for me.

Patricia Weaver

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vendredi 7 décembre 2012

[EzineArticles] Top 7 Tips to Identifying Unoriginal Content

Top 7 Tips to Identifying Unoriginal Content Logo

Don't skim to break even. LEAD.

You'd be kidding yourself if you believed the Internet is teeming with honest, altruistic content by genuine Expert Authors.

We've all seen it and we all know there is a grotesque problem with the quality of information on the Internet. As access to this incredible source of knowledge and engagement increased over the years, so did those small pesky disturbances that are hazardous to quality.

What are we referring to? The complete disregard to quality and originality by proponents of "get rich quick" schemes and peddlers of mediocrity.

When it comes to originality, take a stance and draw a line in the sand. Heed these Top 7 Tips to Identifying Unoriginal Content.

#7. Excessive Quotes

More than 5 lines of quoted material for an article between 400 and 1,000 words will hinder your ability to provide your own unique insight. It also may tell the reader that the author or speaker you're quoting is the better expert, thus lowering your credibility.

Tip: Be the source. Only quote when it reinforces your insight and limit it to 3-5 lines.

#6. Generic

Generic information is repeating common knowledge that every specialist in your niche has provided time and time again without tips or commentary based on your experience as well as personal or professional insight.

Tip: Write based on your passions and expertise! Find the perfect niche for you with these tips.

#5. Fluff

Just shy of 400 words? Repeating parts of your article, repetitively summarizing main points, adding a floating quote, etc., is unoriginal "fluff."

Tip: Reach the minimum word count by planning your article ahead of time using these Top 10 Article Templates.

#4. Rehashed Content

Otherwise known as derivative content, rehashed content occurs when an author uses similar tips across multiple articles. Readers who browse article portfolios of this form of unoriginal content are turned off by the author's lack of versatility and poor credibility.

Tip: If you sound like a broken record, it's time to brainstorm. Try these 10 original article angles.

#3. PLR and the Public Domain

Even if you're granted the permission to republish another author's work under your own name, if you don't own the exclusive rights to the content (e.g., PLR articles, Public Domain content, etc.) it is unoriginal content.

Tip: If you hire a ghostwriter or purchase content, ensure you have an exclusive license that only allows your name to be associated with the articles produced for you.

#2. Article Spinning

Spinning software "spins" content by replacing an article's original words with synonyms. Alternately, there is the "manual" version where content writers may "rewrite" content by tweaking a sentence here and there. Even if it's your content, spinning is "word vomit" and it's not original.

Tip: If you're running out of article ideas, don't resort to article spinning. Try these 15-minute brainstorming exercises.

#1. Plagiarism

"Borrowing" content (even if it's just a sentence or two) without crediting the source and passing it off as your own is not original. It's infringement, piracy, and theft.

Tip: Give credit where credit is due by properly citing your sources.

I know - there's a lot of tough love here. We love our Expert Authors and will do our best in protecting their rights to publish alongside only the best Expert Authors on a quality platform. Take the quality pledge with us by only writing and publishing original content. As we say in the Editorial Guidelines, "don't skim to break even. LEAD."

How important is originality to you? Let us know! Visit this post online to share your input.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Speaking of originality, do you think you can be original within 400-700 words? Let us know by joining the debate over article length: click here!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Leon Noone "I'll keep writing as long as you keep publishing!"

I'm very pleased with my experience with you and the help you've provided since you first published me in 2008. I'll keep writing as long as you keep publishing!

Leon Noone

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mercredi 5 décembre 2012

[EzineArticles] Stephen Hager's Practical Neuroscience Writing Techniques

Stephen Hager's Practical Neuroscience Writing Techniques Logo

Are You Appealing to Your Audiences' Hard Wiring?

The raw power of the human brain is an incredible thing and understanding its ever-expanding potential can be intimidating. How we make decisions and why we perform particular actions based on brain activity (e.g., primary sensory areas, gray matter, various lobes, etc.) can be confusing for people just skimming the surface of a niche that continues to grow larger every day.

Here's where Expert Author Stephen Hager steps in with his personable articles that are easily comprehended and enjoyable to read. Passionate about the power and potential of the human brain, Stephen has dedicated his life to serving others and helping them create solutions to their daily challenges. Where there is an intimidating topic, such as how your brain is wired, it's important to educate while not talking down to your readers. Stephen fosters a climate of trust by easily breaking down principles, providing innovative strategies, and calling for interactive participation.

His article, Writing for Your Readers' Brains, caught our attention. Stephen describes how you can tailor your articles to your audience with a razor's edge precision by appealing to their "wiring."

Here's a breakdown of Stephen Hager's razor-sharp principles to connecting with your audience on an extraordinary and memorable level:

1. Be passionate about your subject ... Commitment to quality authorship is a two-sided coin; as you learn and grow, your readers benefit as well.

2. Focus on the readers' interests, not yours ... Readers, like you, want to receive value from the time they spend learning and educating themselves.

3. Construct your article to reach all sensory and cognitive processing styles ... Use graphic images, keep your article in the 400 - 800 word range, have someone edit your articles, and use Key Points with minimal text.

What do you think of Stephen's suggestions? Do you have any additional suggestions or questions of your own? We'd love to hear from you! Click here to visit this post online and share your comments with the EzineArticles Expert Author community.

To read Writing for Your Readers' Brains in full, click here.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: What's your custom content strategy? Click here to discover how to think about custom content differently to make your efforts worth it!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Bruce Kaler M.D. "... establish your voice and brand ..."

The marketing principle of giving away of something of value for free in order to sell something else, resonated with me. It is also a way to establish your voice and brand in a more structured professional manner than typical social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, et al. They have their place and are useful to an author/writer. However, the growth of the internet creates a huge demand for quality content. I still think the key is to write "quality content". If it is well written, accessible, and of timely interest to people it will get plenty of attention. EzineArticles is a wonderful reservoir of good content on many topics.

Bruce Kaler M.D.

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To Leave The EzineArticles Newsletter:
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lundi 3 décembre 2012

[EzineArticles] Achieve Your Writing Goals and End the Year with a Bang

Achieve Your Writing Goals and End the Year with a Bang Logo

Don't Give Up On Your Writing Goals

At the beginning of the year, many of us make resolutions by setting personal and professional goals. These goals may include losing weight and staying in shape. For those of us in the writing field, we may resolve to write X amount of articles before the year is out.

If you've achieved your writing goals and then some, go ahead and skip to the end - we want your feedback. If you haven't achieved your goals and you're guilty of procrastination, then read on - this one is for you.

The Parallels of Exercise and Writing

When you exercise, you benefit by pushing yourself and giving each session an extra 10%. You can't reap the rewards of exercise (e.g., better health, more energy, and a toned body) by merely showing up, nor will you sustain a healthy body if you stop going. You have to put in continuous effort to get results - you're in it for the long haul.

The same is true for writing! You may write an article or even write twenty articles and find brief measures of success in it. However, a year or more down the road you will find you aren't garnering the results you desired. To be truly successful, you have to promise yourself that you're in it for the long haul to reap the benefits of increased credibility, leveraged authority, and amplified exposure.

All you have to do is put forth the effort: Write on a consistent basis and give your articles an extra 10% by increasing quality to attract and maintain an audience. Write 5 articles/week or write 1/week - whatever it is, set a goal and regularly exercise your writing muscles to keep them strong.

All that sounds great, but to a procrastinator or to the perpetually "swamped," this may sound greater in hindsight. Don't give up! You can still end this year with a bang by giving it all you've got.

5 Steps to Reach Your Goals in a Pinch

First, these steps are meant for those in a time crunch or for those who have a fast approaching deadline. It's recommended you develop a structured plan that helps you achieve your goals so you aren't scrambling at the end to meet your goal.

Next, use these steps to prioritize your tasks to make time for writing, budget your time effectively, and go out with a bang!

1. Identify Your Priorities - What tasks hold the greatest value (biggest ROI)? Make a list of everything you do in a given day and rank it starting with 1 as your highest priority. Delegate anything that is low priority. If delegation isn't possible, let it go (deep breath) to make room for tasks that hold the greatest value to you.

2. Break it Down - Break down your tasks into actionable steps. For example, instead of "send tweet," you might be break it down to "brainstorm tweet ideas," "write tweets," and "schedule/post tweet." A more specific writing example would include "brainstorm article topics," "outline article," "draft article," "edit article," and "submit article."

3. Increase Efficiency - Eliminate the following:

  • Time sinks or activities that take up huge chunks of your time with little to no value
  • Self-induced or outside distractions that make you lose your focus
  • Multi-tasking or not giving one task your full attention at any given time

4. Create a Plan - In the amount of time you have before your deadline, calculate how long it will take to perform a given task and schedule it at least a day in advance. To amp up your writing efforts, take a day to write (or two or three - whatever you can). Clear your schedule and dedicate every resource you have to reaching your writing goal on that day.

5. Execute - Spring into action with every fiber of your being! Give every article an extra 10% of quality and originality to increase your ROI and exercise those article writing muscles.

Go now! Make your plan and get everyone (friends, family, and peers) on board. Don't go out of this year with a whimper simply because you didn't make your goal. End it with a bang!

Met your article writing goals for the year? Congratulations! How did you do it? Our readers would love to hear from you in the comments section of this post online.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: The right tools can make all the difference. Click here to let us know what tools you would like to use in the future.

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