lundi 27 juin 2011

[EzineArticles] Niche Jargon Article Template

Niche Jargon Article Template Logo

How do you address complex concepts that require industry-specific language in your articles?

Do you:

... write under the assumption that your target audience knows the meaning of all the niche jargon you're using?
... try to avoid complex ideas and, instead, target the general reader with little industry knowledge?
... give brief definitions to explain words or concepts that may be new to some, but not all?

There's no "right" answer to this question all the time. Each article should be crafted toward the people you want to reach with that specific message (a.k.a. your primary target audience).

Let's face it, because there are people out there with every range of knowledge you can imagine, it's not easy to please everybody and make them feel like you're speaking directly to them. But, if you have an appropriate mix of beginner, intermediate and advanced articles, you will be able to reach a wide range of people through your entire article inventory.

Today, we have the perfect article template for you to share complex concepts with a more general audience - The Niche Jargon Article Template.

With a little thought on your part, this template produces an article that'll help bring those people up to speed on terms and expressions used in your niche. Here's how to get started:

  • Pinpoint Confusion Areas - Pick an area in your niche with a complex vocabulary. You might discover it by seeing or hearing a lot of questions from people confused by it. Or, maybe it's a newer concept that confused you the first time you saw it so you had to look it up.
  • Form the Introduction - Start by writing down why the niche has specific jargon. Think about how technical the niche is. Are there words that are only used in this niche and nowhere else? Or, are there words that have multiple meanings in different contexts that you think should be disambiguated? This can become the introduction of your article.
  • Lay Out the Terms - List out the terms and what they mean in your own words. It's really important that you use your own words. If they wanted the straight dictionary definition, they could have looked it up themselves. Here's your chance to offer your unique angle of expertise on each term or concept you introduce.
  • Explain Their Importance - Next, explain why the words are important and why the reader should start incorporating them into their vocabulary.
  • Wrap it Up - Finally, recap the terms you introduced and why they need to be remembered.

Article Templates: Perfect Cure for Writers' Block

The Niche Jargon Article Template is just 1 of the 52 article templates included in our new Article Template Playing Cards package, which is on sale now. This deck of cards is the perfect cure for the common case of writers' block.

When you're having trouble coming up with your next great article idea, just take out the deck of cards and give it a quick shuffle face-down. Then, pick a card (any card), and use that template to trigger your next high-quality, original article.

You can order your deck of article template playing cards here:

Note: The EzineArticles Article Template Deck of Playing Cards has almost sold out its first printing. Honestly, we made a mistake and priced it too low at $20 USD. The 52 article template PDF file that is included alone is a $47 value and on top of that, we're shipping a physical deck of a limited edition EzineArticles playing cards (A $20+ value) anywhere in the world (with free shipping). So TODAY will be the last day the cards will sell for $20 USD with free shipping and on Tuesday at 2pm CST (3pm EST or Noon PST), the price will go up to $30 USD ... and then next week, the 52 article templates will sell for $47 USD with the $20 cards included as a bonus.

A Request: If you're one of the hundreds who are buying or have bought the playing cards, snap a photo with your cellphone or camera of you playing with the cards and send it to us, we'll be sure to give you a shout out to our 75k+ Twitter and Facebook fans. We'd like to know what you think of them or how they helped you spark some imagination to come up with new article topic writing ideas.

Christopher M. Knight To Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher

PS: Whether you use it to spark inspiration or just as a guide to getting your thoughts down, the Article Template Playing Cards will put you on the road to successful article writing. Buy it today while we still have some in stock!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Soni Pitts "My articles are popping up in publications all over the place."

A quick glance through the search engines is showing that my articles (with the links back to my page) are popping up in publications all over the place. I am establishing a name for myself in my industry, and I am beginning to feel like a true professional.

Soni Pitts

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vendredi 24 juin 2011

[EzineArticles] Chris Knight Insights Facebook Fan Page

Chris Knight Insights
Facebook Fan Page Logo

Click Here To "LIKE" my new Facebook Page: Chris Knight Insights.

Several years ago I hit the 5,000 Facebook friend limit and wasn't able to approve or accept several thousands of friend requests ... so I finally did something about it and launched this new public fan pages so you can connect with me and we can share our journey together on Facebook!

You'll discover insights on entrepreneurial/professional topics, including leadership, branding, motivation, fitness, writing, marketing & more. I'll often use it to poll you for your thoughts on how to solve a variety of problems to improve overall performance.

You'll get ACCESS to my BRAIN ... I'll be posting exclusive content that I won't be sharing anywhere else. Things like:

  • Entrepreneurial/Leadership Insights
  • Web Money-Getting Content/Traffic Strategies That Work
  • Improving Your Business Execution Speed
  • How To Have More Fun At Work
  • How To Build A High Performance Culture
  • Improving Your Perceived Economic Value
  • Time Management Tips That Work
  • How to Accelerate Your Career
  • My Commentary on Current Related Events
  • Marketing/Sales/Brand-Building
  • Dot-Com Publishing/Tech Stuff
  • New Gadgets/Electronics Reviews
  • Fitness, Weight Loss and Strength Training Insights

I can't promise you that if you "LIKE" my new Facebook fan pages now that you'll lose 10 lbs, become suddenly more attractive, become rich overnight, get more action or get a million visitors to your website before the month is over, but I will share with you things that inspire me with hopes that it'll inspire you to *think bigger* and achieve more happiness/performance in your business, life, relationships and fitness.

Right now, head on over to: ... and take a look around and click the "LIKE" button to start getting insights I don't share anywhere else.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Christopher M. Knight To Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher

PS: Get insights on entrepreneurial/professional topics, including leadership, branding, motivation, fitness, writing, marketing & more from me at the Chris Knight Insights Facebook Fan Page. Also, while you're on Facebook, "LIKE" EzineArticles to get daily tips, site updates and chances to win free prizes!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Harry Hoover "I provided him the link to my articles at EzineArticles as a way to build my credibility."

Just yesterday I received a phone call from someone looking for a speaker to keynote an upcoming industry meeting. I provided him the link to my articles at EzineArticles as a way to build my credibility.

Also, a couple of the articles are on the speech topic they want a speaker to address. So, he will be able to gauge my ability to address the subject by what I have written.

Harry Hoover

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mercredi 22 juin 2011

[EzineArticles] Article Template Playing Cards Now Available

Article Template Playing Cards
Now Available Logo

Work Hard, Play Hard - At the Same Time

Many of you expressed interest in The EzineArticles Article Template Playing Cards when we first introduced them a few weeks ago, and they are now available at the EzineArticles Shop. Your next article idea is only a card game away when you pull out this special deck of cards!

Each card is specially printed with one of our own original article templates.

In total, that's 52 sparks of article writing inspiration to keep you going. Plus, you can use the deck of cards to play your favorite card games - all for just $20.

Why Purchase The EzineArticles Article Template Deck Of Cards Package?

  • Each template sets up the ideas, structure and road map to creating a high-volume of quality, original articles ... FAST!
  • Your high volume of articles will generate loads of traffic back to your website.
  • You'll receive a video with some tips on using your article templates in the most efficient way.
  • You'll have fun while sharpening your article writing skills with the deck of cards.

What You Get:

  • Deck of Article Template Playing Cards
  • Downloadable PDFs of the 52 Templates for Easy Viewing
  • Using Templates to Quickly Generate Articles Instructional Video

Each template has an accompanying PDF with step-by-step directions and a template that's ready and waiting to be filled in. The video is a resource to help you put your newly-acquired article templates to good use.

You can purchase your deck today by going here:

Your investment is just $20, which includes shipping!

Also, we've come up with a few fun ways to add an article writing twist to some of your favorite traditional card games. You can find them at this previous Blog post: Deal Yourself a Hand of Article Writing Inspiration

What about your article writing friends and colleagues? Don't forget them! This is a great gift idea to show them that you care about their article writing. :)

Get this awesome package to discover a fun way to build an article inventory quickly and start sending a ton of traffic to your website today!

To read this Blog entry online or post a comment, click here.

Christopher M. Knight To Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher

PS: Have you been to the EzineArticles Blog lately? This past Monday we shared a 4-pack of EzineArticles quick tips to provide answers to common account questions. Check it out!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Jason Hulott "A way of improving my own profile and my company's profile."

I use EzineArticles in three ways. Firstly, as a way of improving my own profile and my company's profile. Your service allows me to present my stall out once and you then deliver my stall to other websites. We are getting traffic from using your service. Not huge yet, but more traffic! We are also getting SEO benefits of having one way links from both the individual articles and also the author summary pages. I also find it motivating to move up your author submissions chart.

Jason Hulott

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vendredi 17 juin 2011

[EzineArticles] Article Content vs Real Life - Exceptional Work

Article Content vs. Real Life - Exceptional Work Logo

Exceptional Work Gets Noticed

This is one of many life lessons that are taught to us starting at a young age. We spend our school age years exploring new and exciting areas of interest. Then, we find a subject or activity we enjoy, like math, science or art; and we devote hours and hours to learning all we can about it and practicing it.

Eventually, the exceptional work pays off in any number of ways, like good grades in school or goals in a soccer match.

Really, article writing isn't much different. Except that instead of an "A" on your report card, the payoff of exceptional article writing is increased traffic back to your website, more exposure for your articles and enhanced credibility for you.

In the 5th episode of this series, we bring you back to the roots of your education and help you see what happens when exceptional work is discovered.

Downloadable Versions:
WMV Format     MOV Format     MV4 Format     MP3 Format

As the video puts it, "Exceptional work forces people to take notice."

Are all of your articles exceptional? You, alone, have control over the articles you submit to Be proud of the work you've done and feel confident to stand behind it.

The exceptional work rises to the top and gets noticed.

Please share this video with others and visit the post online to leave a comment about how you make your writing exceptional every day. Also, check out the other episodes on the Article Content vs. Real Life videos in our Video Archive.

Marc, EzineArticles Communications ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Marc, Communications Manager

PS: Chris Knight offers his own unique perspective on topics like leadership, branding and motivation at his Facebook Fan Page. Check out Chris Knight's Insights on Facebook today to start getting regular updates straight from Chris.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Elane Williams "Thank you, EzineArticles"

I wrote articles about things I had lived through and various experiences so I started submitting articles here. To my surprise, three of the articles were published in two different languages and one was published in a newsletter which I received a free membership for a year.

Elane Williams

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mercredi 15 juin 2011

[EzineArticles] Reaching the Word Requirement Without Fluff

Reaching the Word Requirement Without the Fluff Logo

Overheard from an editor at EzineArticles:

I'm noticing some authors are having a hard time with the 400 word count minimum. When an article falls short of 400 words, they often just repeat their article body, summarize their main points over and over, add promo or add in filler sentences at the end of the article body just to meet the minimum.
As an editor, it's frustrating because some of these articles have pretty good content. Then, it can be narrowed down to just one or two sentences that the author adds to the end of the body in order to meet the 400.
Adding 50 words of fluff on top of a 350-word article won't get the job done. You never know which tip or strategy recommendation will make the difference or solve a reader's problem. Adding just one extra tip or original thought is usually enough to boost them over the word requirement ...

Any of this sound familiar to you?

Some authors go into their writing session with an outlined plan of how much space they want to devote to a particular topic. Or, maybe they free write and find new subtopics to explore while they're in the middle of writing. This group rarely falls short of the 400 word requirement.

Others stay so focused and on point that they feel they've said everything they wanted to say before they reach that 400 word mark. The problem is that they then have to "fluff" up their writing to get it to reach our minimum word requirement.

All too often that leads to authors summarizing their main points multiple times, adding promotional content, moving up part of the Resource Box to the article or even just copying and pasting the last paragraph to reach that 400 word mark. (Eek!)

Avoiding the Fluff

If you're one of those Expert Authors that finds themselves stretching for content by the end of each article, you could be at risk of having those articles rejected. Fear not, though, because today we have a few tips to help you avoid the fluff.

  • List Key Points - Before starting, make a list of your key points. It doesn't have to be a full-blown outline if you don't want it to be. Just jot down the things you want to share. Then ask yourself, "Is everything on this list worth saying?" and "Are they powerful enough to warrant sharing?" Go above and beyond with your list. Add extra items to it.
    It's better to keep your idea list long and cut it down later than it is to end up short and scrambling to add something later. Plus, you could generate enough ideas to warrant another whole article.
  • Adjust Your Focus - Think like a photographer for a minute. Once an experienced photographer has his sights on his subject, he adjusts his lens until the most important points of the image before him are in focus. The perfect picture has a balance in focus and activity. Although you might not think about it, you can think of writing in the same way. You, as the author, get to decide what to include and what to leave out.
    As you're writing, take a minute to think about how broad or narrow the subject is that you're talking about so you can appropriately and effectively adjust your "lens" to create the perfect article.
  • Know Your Stuff - Only write in niche areas where you are truly an expert. One of the worst things you can do is not know your subject area to the core through experience, thought and research. If you don't, you could write yourself into a corner in a short article and not have enough content to get yourself out.
  • Tell a Story - Relate yourself to your work. It can be really valuable for readers to hear real stories about how the subject matter has affected you and why it works. If your article is coming up a little bit short, add a personal story to the introduction or conclusion that drives home the points of your article.
  • Avoid the Drivel - Don't just drivel on in the summary to add words. Instead, add a completely new tip or caveat for your readers to think about. Offer your readers multiple options rather than just one. You never know which of your recommendations will make the biggest difference for them.

Use these tips to cut the fluff and stick to writing quality, original articles.

How do you avoid the fluff? Visit this post online and share your thoughts in the comments section.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Journaling is a great way to polish up on your writing skills and keep your mind sharp. Check out our Article Writing Success Journal Course that comes complete with your very own EzineArticles journal and pen.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Miriam B Medina "I highly recommend to everyone."

Once upon a time I was told that I was no writer. I was told that my articles were much too long, too wordy. Since I have joined, as a result of the high standards established by this service, I have become a much more polished writer. It has also reinforced a higher sense of self-confidence in regards to my work. I am amazed at how comfortable I feel when writing these days. Writing for has pushed me into exploring other areas of expertise, which has expanded my intellectual horizon.

This has gone a considerable way towards keeping me actively doing what I love so much, writing. I highly recommend to everyone.

Miriam B Medina

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mardi 7 juin 2011

[EzineArticles] A Recap of Recent Blog Posts

A Recap of Recent Blog Posts Logo

See what you may have missed on the BLOG in the month of May at

Improving Your Writing ...

  • 2 Minute Approval Tips: Follow EzineArticles HTML Tag Rules - The fourteenth "2 Minute Approval Tip" focuses on properly formatting your articles using HTML tags. EzineArticles only allows certain HTML tags to be used in your articles. Watch this video to discover which HTML tags are allowed and which ones should be left out.
  • Driving Traffic in Your Direction With Effective Titles - You may cringe at the site of traffic on your daily commute but there's no better feeling than seeing a full on traffic jam of new readers and potential customers driving straight towards your articles. Watch this video to discover how to create article titles that open the highway for more traffic to your articles.
  • The Perfect Article Summary - It can be easy to overlook the importance of the article summary. But, the truth is that your article summary gives you additional space beyond the article title to hook in potential readers. Watch this video to discover how to create perfect article summaries that increase your article views.
  • From My Desk To Yours - Guide To Misused Words - The English language is a complex communication system. It seems like there are infinite ways to express a single thought. It would be nearly impossible to put to rest every single question out there on misused words in a single post, but in this post we give it a try.
  • Your Article's Title Is Your Marquee - Think of article titles as the marquee for each article. Announce to the readers what they get if they choose your show.
  • A Healthy Diet for Your Article Body - Your article body is very similar to your actual human body in that they both need care and attention to perform at the highest level. In this video, discover how you can create a healthy diet for your article body so you have a strong, fit article.
  • Keyword Research – Return of the Article Writing Genie - The Article Writing Genie swung by the EzineArticles offices and while he was there, he took some time to grant three wishes to some authors looking for advice on keywords.

Building Your Niche ...

  • From My Desk To Yours - Guaranteed 100% Original and Informative - In total, there are 5 different reasons why an article is placed in Problem Status for a "Lack of Original and Informative Content." Any of these 5 reasons will trigger the email and the article will be on your account, waiting for changes and resubmission.
  • Increase The Odds Of Getting Your Articles Syndicated - Are you doing everything you can to encourage and promote the syndication of your articles? In this post, we share 5 questions to ask yourself about the prospects of getting your articles syndicated by other Ezine publishers.
  • Expert Author Photo: A Step Toward Credibility - Uploading an image for your EzineArticles Expert Author Photo takes just minutes, but what you get in return is invaluable. Check out this post on the importance of an author photo and how to upload one today.
  • Landing Page Quality - Have you evaluated the quality of your landing page recently? Check out this post to get three criteria that you may not have thought of before.
  • From My Desk To Yours - Earning the Respect of Your Readers - Bait and switch is not the way to earn respect from your readers. In fact, it's a form of fraud and it will always backfire. It leaves readers with the impression that your product is shady and can't be trusted.

Tools to Help You Grow ...

  • How to Avoid Sounding Like a Salesperson - Your articles shouldn't sound like an infomercial. Your readers want your expert advice, not a sales pitch. Check out this video to discover how to deliver great content without sounding like a salesperson.
  • Checking the Title, Summary and Links Before Submission - Ever wish you could take a glance into the mind of one of the members of the EzineArticles Editorial Staff? Well, in this post you have an opportunity to do just that.
  • Secrets Article Template - Your secrets are the unique concepts and facts that you have about your niche. You share some of your best secrets every once in a while in articles. This article template is a great way to share those secrets in a succinct, guided way.
  • Making Article Writing a Habit - Here's a simple article writing recipe you can use to turn writing into a habit and help you build a large inventory of articles fast.

The EzineArticles Community ...

  • Turbo-Charge Your Article Writing Efforts - Check out this Blog to get dialed in with your journaling efforts. Learn a few tips and techniques that will allow you to take your journal entries and turn them into the best articles you've ever written.
  • Deal Yourself a Hand of Article Writing Inspiration - Introducing the brand new EzineArticles Article Template Playing Cards - a standard deck of playing cards with a different ready-to-use article template featured on each card.
  • The Value of Diamond Membership - The Diamond level membership is the highest level of free membership at and it's reserved for the most exemplary authors. Watch this video to discover the benefits of Diamond level membership and why you should strive to reach this elite status.
  • Pick Your Very Own EzineArticles Wallpaper - Brighten up your dull desktop background with one of these new EzineArticles-themed wallpapers.

Expert Author Case Studies ...

  • Expert Author Showcase: Bonita Darula - Meet an Expert Author whose articles and other online resources have helped thousands of people from around the world who have been impacted by autism find a new sense of hope.
  • Expert Author Showcase: John Highman - In this showcase, we highlight an author who openly and honestly shares his thoughts about how to succeed as an article writer.
  • Expert Author Showcase: K. Paul Mallasch - As a part of our Expert Author Showcase series, we asked K. Paul Mallasch to share some of his own thoughts on his article writing experiences, influences and what keeps him motivated to continue writing.
  • Expert Author Showcase: Paul Jerard - Today we introduce you to Yoga instructor and EzineArticles Expert Author Paul Jerard. Through hard work and a mastery of Yoga concepts, Paul takes a spot as one of the top authors in the "Health and Fitness: Yoga" category by number of live articles.

Please add your comments, questions, suggestions or stories to any of the above blog entries. :-)

Marc, EzineArticles Communications ManagerTo Your Article Writing/Marketing Success & Passion!
Marc, Communications Manager

PS: Increase your productivity and decrease your stress level by eliminating writing distractions with our Guide to Uninterrupted Writing from yesterday's Blog post.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Sunny Nash "An educational resource that no writer can do without."

I am delighted with the success I am experiencing by contributing to EzineArticles. Being able to place the Expert Author icon on my blog has earned me priceless credibility, attracted thousands of article clicks and inquiries and promoted me prominently in the search engine lists. But that's not all. I believe I have become a better writer because of the high standards set by this service. In addition, I have learned so much from other EzineArticles Expert Authors. The valuable community that EzineArticles has built is an educational resource that no writer can do without.

Sunny Nash

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lundi 6 juin 2011

[EzineArticles] A Guide to Uninterrupted Writing

A Guide to Uninterrupted Writing Logo

Minimizing and Eliminating Distractions

No matter what your niche is or how experienced you are as a writer, you've probably come to realize that dealing with distractions comes with the job. Your ability to complete a piece of writing is highly dependent on how well you can block out things going on around you to focus and just write.

Some distractions will always be out there, swirling around you and constantly grappling for your attention. Others come and go. What you do to minimize or even eliminate those distractions altogether will play a big role in how productive you can be and how stressful writing is for you.

Remember, writing should be fun! To help you keep that in mind, here's our Guide to Uninterrupted Writing. We hope you can use these tips right away and maybe even have a little fun along the way.

Downloadable Versions:
WMV Format     MOV Format     MV4 Format     MP3 Format

Eliminating Distractions

  • Control Your Environment - Whether you're at home or out in public, pick a quiet setting where you know you can be productive. In your own home or living space, pick a room that's semi-private and used sparingly by others. Out in public, look for a quiet area where there aren't a lot of other people. Also, control your environment in cyberspace by closing down any browser windows or programs that aren't absolutely essential to your writing. It's really easy to lose track of the time on the Internet, so avoid those time-wasting programs.
  • Use Plain Text Editor or Pen & Paper - You can simplify your writing experience even more by using a plain text editor, like EditPlus or NoteTab to get your thoughts down. Word processing programs are great for all of their features and tools, but it can get distracting trying to figure out what each particular tool does. Using a plain text editor will help you focus on what matters most – the words.
    If you're still struggling with distractions, try to get away from the Internet altogether by writing the old-fashioned way with a pen and paper.
  • Turn Off Device Notification Alarms - Now, on the other hand, when you need to be on the Internet for research purposes, you can keep your productivity up by turning off all program notification alarms. That includes instant messenger, cell phones, push notifications and the like. Think about it, you won't be able to focus on writing if your wife keeps texting you about tonight's tuna casserole, or you're getting Facebook notifications from your friend ranting about his sports team. Turn off the notifications on these devices so they aren't constantly beeping and dinging at you.

Now, we understand that sometimes you can't get away from every distraction. In those cases, there are a few methods to at least minimize those distractions so they waste a little less of your time.

Minimizing Distractions

  • Shut Out Outside Noises - Wear headphones or earplugs to reduce outside noise. Put on some music to block out the rest of the world. At first, the music will drown out the other noises around you, but eventually even the music seems to fade so you can focus on writing.
  • Minimize Clutter on Your Desk - Desktop knick-knacks may be fun to play with but they can be distracting and consequently waste a lot of your time. Tidy up your work area before you use it and make sure you clean it regularly.
  • Write an Outline - No matter what type of distraction you encounter, you can quickly get back on task by pre-writing an outline. When you get distracted you can just consult the outline to see what you were in the middle of explaining and what you planned on writing about next.

Remember that distractions are a part of life, but they don't have to control your life. Take these tips and apply them to your next writing session.

For your own reference, here's our downloadable Guide to Uninterrupted Writing (PDF) [1.3 MB] so you can take the info from the video with you on-the-go as a reminder of how to keep distractions out of your writing sessions.

What other ways do you deal with article writing distractions? Visit this post online and leave a comment to share your thoughts.

Marc, EzineArticles Communications ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Marc, Communications Manager

PS: Getting bored of staring at the same old desktop background every day? Take a look at our new assortment of EzineArticles-themed wallpapers presented last week.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Amie Crews "Can't recommend it highly enough!"

I was introduced to EzineArticles over a year ago. If I had gotten myself in gear and stopped panicking I would have realised what a simple place this is to publish articles. I'm also reassured that this is a quality site as there is a distinct lack of duplication and also a simple way for my clients to navigate and have a browse. Can't recommend it highly enough!

Amie Crews

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